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Title: [Forum Event] Happy April Fool's Day! [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2017-3-31 18:25
Title: [Forum Event] Happy April Fool's Day!
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2017-3-31 18:25

Dear lords, April Fool's Day is coming soon! As we all know, April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes or tricks on others and it is also a funny and happy day. Do you have any plans to play tricks on others? Come and share your April Fool's Day Trick Plan or what tricks did you play on others on Fool's Day. More rewards is waiting for you!
[Duration] Ends on Apr.4th
[Servers] All Servers
1. Write down your April Fool's Day Trick Plan or what tricks did you play on others on that day.
2. Your IGN and server
20 players who have the most interesting answers will be selected to be rewarded with 50 gold
1. The rewards will be released on Apr.5th
2. If you do not post your information under forum event page, rewards will not be sent to your account.
3. Please read the requirements carefully or else you'll lose the chance to be rewarded
4. No abusive or rude remarks allowed in this event
5. The final explanation is reserved by COTK

Author: Kaozed    Time: 2017-3-31 20:13
So i live with my cousin, and we usually get to each other on this day, my plan for this year is to get him in the night, althou is friday he work tomorrow morning sadly so i know for sure he will be sleeping at our house, and i know he is afraid of cockroaches, so i got a bunch of cockroaches, and im planing on puting a alot of them under the bed's blanket, i even took care of the lights on his bedroom so he doesnt realize instantly hopefully ill get the best of him in the end of the day, ill just have to be aware for the rest of the day... fingers cross !

IGN: Kaozed
Server: S73
Author: Ah-B    Time: 2017-3-31 20:53
My house is fronting a big park where many people will come here to play Pokemon Go (apparently this park is a so-called hot spot for rare pokemons). And on April Fools Day itself, i am planning to go to 1 corner and shout "Blissey" (she a rare pokemon whom is a great gym defender) is at the other road down the corner, and will be watching the crowds run like mad from my house.

Server: S69 Storm Zone
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2017-3-31 21:30
During school days we always think of weird ways to prank our classmates.
So 1 of the April Fools we spread a layer of glue on 1 of our classmate's seat, that dude sat down throughout the lesson without noticing that there's actually glue on it.
After the lesson ended, when we all are to stand up and greet our teacher goodbye, his chair stick to him while he stood up and our class laughed. He was embarrassed and our teacher of cause told us, the pranksters, to see her when the day end..

Author: Dyolox    Time: 2017-3-31 21:49
I work long varying hours and my wife always asks "eta?" So this year I changed her smart phone to auto correct ETA to titties. Which makes me giggle. auto correct jokes are also a favourite of hers.

DianWei s51
Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2017-3-31 22:15
Ehmm i have an idea. My wife loves her smartphone very much; maybe more than me or our son . She always play it 24/7 even at bathroom. I'll take picture of her smartphone and put it on her and my FB and put a sign "FOR SALE" with a ridiculously low price. I'm 100% sure, she'll getting calls all day .  


SHU / S.16

Author: Elizabeth2000    Time: 2017-3-31 23:43

Put a fake plastic cockroach on the lamp

2. Elizqua,S47
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2017-4-1 00:18
1.  Flip a computer screen
Hold down the CTRL and ALT buttons on your target’s computer then hit the down, left or right arrow key for the direction you want to turn their screen.

Watch and laugh as they return to their computer without a clue as to how to fix it.

2. IGN : baixue
server 12
Author: Magician    Time: 2017-4-2 00:10

post this

and it will be appeared like this

Author: ardhy66666    Time: 2017-4-2 14:09
Edited by ardhy66666 at 2017-4-2 14:11

On april fool's day this time I will my friends were working on when he was sleeping, and then when he fell asleep, slumbering I would put many firecrackers into cans, and then I will yell, "we're under attack!, we're under attack!, fast save yourselves", hahaha, can't wait to see the reaction of him hit april fool's day.
Ign : soundwave
Server : s60
Author: DarkKaiser    Time: 2017-4-2 19:12
Edited by DarkKaiser at 2017-4-2 19:13

One of the best april fool's jokes that i have played on one of my friends this year is mixing his hair gel with glue. I mix his amost finished hair gel with some glue. He did not really noticed it and went on clubbing the whole night without realizing it until i told him the next day. He complained that's why he felt strange having a much more difficult styling his hair compared to usual the night before

IGN : DarkKaiser
Server : 12
Author: Ancha    Time: 2017-4-2 22:22
My april fools day nothing special, i just bring my friend a little jokes where i send him a message to make him confuse

IGN : Pyluzecx
Server : Wei s.74
Author: AnakBeliti    Time: 2017-4-2 23:55
ada cerita lucu tentang balon... pada saat bermain balon ada seseorang yang takut akan balon karena bunyi ledakannya.... kemudian ada salah satu teman yang jahil, meledakan balon tepat di sebelah telinganya, dan sekejap teman tersebut tersentak dan uniknya dia tidak takut lagi dengan ledakan balon.... April foo's day

Ign : AnakBeliti
server : s51
Author: GomuGomuNoLuck    Time: 2017-4-3 15:12
I had a new girlfriend of two months ago. On April Fool's Day this time, I plan to make a surprise to her that I disconnect us at 1 april this. Maybe that will happen she would cry sobbing and wondering what exactly there is a problem so I will break this relationship. If possible she begged not to be tore our relationship. ha ha ha. after I approached her at his home and gave a surprise that will I bring a pack of pink roses, and explained to her that this was only April Fool's Day only. I hope she can understand this surprise, and finally we can still love each other. Amen.

IGN : DonDongOpo
Server: 74 Shu
Author: Raavan    Time: 2017-4-3 23:59
The best prank i have played is just interchange the sugar and salt label. Though the lunch would be pathetic but can fool the whole family.

Raavan S1
Author: Fraltz    Time: 2017-4-4 13:56
Simple prank that i made is treating my friend with salty ice tea that i order in the street shop


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