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Title: Danger of rc and wheel elite dysfunction [Print this page]

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2017-6-1 11:18
Title: Danger of rc and wheel elite dysfunction
Dear all and Gm . I have been elite wheel one time to get the herbsit price . I was ranking 1 in that elite wheel . I get the herbsit . Lf 26-26. Witch is the lowest herbsit you can get . Except of course for golden egg witch 25-25. I m waiting Gm to give me the normal herbsit who should be LF30-30 according to my rankings. 20 k gold is  not  small money . You don t put that kind of money to get a herbsit who top a lantern by only 3 .thanks for your consideration.
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2017-6-1 14:05
Edited by FanofBabes at 2017-6-1 14:07

That 20k gives you a herbit top 16 in super tourney which is tough as its only 8 ppl getting it out of every super tourney.
You see if those RC big like you do and can get easily off wheel for a 30/30 herbit
Who would still wanna work hard to fight at personal contest and go for super tourney which also gives a 30/30 for only #1??

Author: GAHC    Time: 2017-6-1 14:07

Sorry, bro, but the wheel herbiest is 26-26 for 1st and 2nd, and 25-25 for 3rd to 5th. This is also stated clearly in the events page (https://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.p ... &extra=page%3D2). If you want 30-30, must try to be like HHH and get number 1.

In any case. 3 better than 23-23 lantern is still quite good, so enjoy it! And also s.herbist gets 4 lines worth of stats, and higher stats than lantern, so look for the silver lining in the stars =)
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2017-6-1 14:13
Basically you say HHH can t be beaten cause he collect herbsit 30-30 for more than one year
Author: GAHC    Time: 2017-6-2 10:31
That is not what any of us are saying because as all of us know, trinket is not the only factor that decides how strong you are.

What we are saying is that it should be hard to get a 30-30 herbist because that is an award given to only those who finish very high in contest. As such, the wheel does not given 30-30 herbist and that is something clearly stated on the Events Page.

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