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Title: Merge us s69 s72/74 and s73 [Print this page]

Author: quicklves    Time: 2017-7-16 21:14
Title: Merge us s69 s72/74 and s73
Many players wanna merge from s72/74 also s69, then wei n wu s73, exclude shu s73 they refuse for merge (dumba.ss ariel888 and hippa). Merge for balanced server, thank u

Author: Hippa    Time: 2017-7-16 22:27
Edited by Hippa at 2017-7-16 22:37

Always insulting....
Not balanced ?
Last event

If we merge we need a strong shu country.....
Author: quicklves    Time: 2017-7-17 00:30
Hippa replied at 2017-7-16 22:27
Always insulting....
Not balanced ?
Last event

hey dude clever u ss when just once or twice shu lost bcause that time not many shu ol. ss all event and all map also arena rank dude =)
Author: Hippa    Time: 2017-7-17 02:11
Edited by Hippa at 2017-7-17 02:15

Wei and wu ally during event. Shu lose all city siege. We lost invest, invading etc etc
Not many shu ol even during events and it's going worst.
The map : if our king and prince are off, only just some shu city remain even other shu players are on.
Top 25arena : it don't define if a player is active and wei6 wu10 shu9.
Like i said, if we merge with a strong wei and wu country we need a strong shu country too.
Author: BoomBoom    Time: 2017-7-17 03:51
Edited by BoomBoom at 2017-7-17 03:57

Wu has 7 actives at most now. We got about 5 main actives. Also how many times has the system give us wu-wei alliance exp bonus? Map is green more often than you think. If you are disorganized during events then it's our fault? You guys just need a decent country to merge with. Everyday you got the two top spender running all over the place. No one can even block them unless inside deep our country. Invest and barb event depends on players if they feel like playing, if they think event is boring they won't stay the whole time. Maybe we should have a scrapbook made showing throughout the week what the map looks like. Once in a while by a miracle they go offline, we get seen as "more powerful". Soon merge is gonna happen anyway because now only those two monster spender are going to RC. They need some competition, GM can provide through merge to keep them spending. Cute isn't it?
Author: Hippa    Time: 2017-7-17 07:19
Edited by Hippa at 2017-7-17 07:21

Wu is lvl 6 for a week now while shu still 5 and far to be 6. country lvl show the real power of a kingdom not initiative.
Author: BoomBoom    Time: 2017-7-17 08:09
Edited by BoomBoom at 2017-7-17 08:11

Okay a week ago we became lvl 6 through great team work and many actives, afterwards we lost 80% of those actives. Now you say country level determines the power.

Lets say a country built a castle then many of them leave it. You guys are able surround the castle all the time. You claim the country this castle is in to be mighty and powerful, yet how come you are able to surround it so much? There isn't anyone pushing you back away from the castle but you still say you are weak.

Modern time style:

There is a company (let's call it company 1) that grew and had a lot of employees. They had a great team that worked well with one another to seal business deals (country events). A while later many of them left the company since they couldn't compete with Company 2. Now the reason they couldn't compete was because the investors were unable to further fund Company 1. The funding Company 2 received was overwhelming, they had plenty of money since their executives had way more money than anyone supporting Company 1 had. There were only a handful of employees left trying to keep Company 1 from closing. This company was great and amazing at one point. That is why the building (country level) is so big and nice before but now it is becoming an empty shell.

Now there is another company competing with Company 1 ( this will be called company 2). Company 2 is smaller but their employees continue to work and they received more workers (accounts) with cheaper costs. This company was able to compete with the other one through great funding from some individuals with a lot money also there were individuals working most of the time sometimes never being off. They have committed workers with a lot of funding backing them up working 20 hours a day/6-7days a week. Soon after they were able to beat the other company. The executives (Super RC people) of this company had money and was able to get many minions to do their bidding. This is why Company 1 is losing. Company 2 spent a lot but didn't apply tactics/organized enough to seal business deals (country events), which is why they couldn't get a nice big building but have successfully blocked Company 1 from further developing or sustaining itself.

Now Company 1 could be amazing again if they had more employees and funding to support it. If not it is only a matter of time before it gets closed if not sustained. Now Company 3 has been a nice business partner with company 1 because Company 2 threatened Company 3's existence.

If one is too powerful of course other smaller/weaker companies (Countries) will band together to fight it.
Author: Inspire    Time: 2017-7-17 21:18
Hahhaa can't wait for merge . S69 have High VIP in Shu and Wu , So no worry if merge
Author: R3djoker    Time: 2017-7-18 16:25
@Hippa: Can't you see that the whole day and night the map is green? When plunder came, all Shu is partying in Wu or Wei. Should I ss it for your enlightenment? Wu is lv 6 now, yes, but the reality is now Wu lost many active players. Wei lost players too, as well as Shu. If you think S73 is fine enough this day for a fun gaming, maybe you're too scare to fight against other player.

It's not fun when you can only walk to Liyang and meet duoShu, It's never fun to stay inside your capital and just can't move because you can't give a decent fight back. Now, tell me, if this is not a good reason for a merge, what the reason for you to not give us a merge?

Whether we're gonna be merged with S69 or S-something, doesn't matter, at least we're moving on from this point of no movement.
Author: R3djoker    Time: 2017-7-18 16:42
BoomBoom replied at 2017-7-17 08:09
Okay a week ago we became lvl 6 through great team work and many actives, afterwards we lost 80% of  ...

Your analogy makes me cry, Boom. lmao. But, that's the reality we face now, right? Our 'building' is an empty shell atm.
Author: Hippa    Time: 2017-7-19 04:32
Empty ?
Wei is weak ?
A lot of shu high level were on

Author: Ariel888    Time: 2017-7-19 04:36
I would say that s73 is pretty balanced. Only time map is all green is when wu and wei are sleeping as we have non Asia time zone players
Author: BoomBoom    Time: 2017-7-19 06:55
Hippa I do believe we had to both work together to hold shu There at mid with auto off. Yes I as a high VIP player had to put auto off to hold shu back. I am non Asian time player and I have plenty of times seen map full green with Shu super RC players running everywhere.

Bring the next excuse.
Author: Ariel888    Time: 2017-7-19 11:54
Edited by Ariel888 at 2017-7-19 11:57

Just for your info boomboom. Shu only has 2 players that rc. Other 1 or 2 players do the monthly. The other few have stop rc after the first month. As you can see that the old rc players are getting weaker as each day goes by. Shu never has more then 5 or 6 players online at a time anymore. The 2 super rc players can only do so much without other Shu players online. Either way you look at it. Shu is not a team for a long time. Just every man for themselves when they do come online and seige away. Anyways. It's just a game. But garbage talk always add a bit of fun to the game. Hope no feelings get hurt. And lastly, Shu is mostly autobots so if wei or wu defends. No one gets far. Problem was that no one use to defend when Shu attacks. That's why map is green sometimes
Author: quicklves    Time: 2017-7-19 20:36
hehehehe... shu 73 is stupid country with many big spender who never help they country when event came... so thats why shu 73 is very stupid.. more powerful but low level country.. even i can bet wei 73 will lead to get lvl 6 country asap... u can noticed we r only 5 ppl now... but 2 - 3 so actives to play.. n hippa... u r so coward... thats SS just show to the  world shu 73 mentality is coward... u bullied wei n wu everyday n still cry when your country disappear.. hahahahah funny... bro.. its my suggestion to u.. be brave.. see wei n wu.. even we just 2 players online.. we still fight not cry like your idiot SS
Author: aepielee    Time: 2017-7-19 20:42
quicklves replied at 2017-7-19 20:36
hehehehe... shu 73 is stupid country with many big spender who never help they country when event ca ...

i think shu must learn what is teammates for... this game not for individual but need teamwork... wei n wu 73 have great teamwork.. so coward like hippa should be out from the team thats my  opinion to shu 73
Author: aepielee    Time: 2017-7-19 20:42
quicklves replied at 2017-7-19 20:36
hehehehe... shu 73 is stupid country with many big spender who never help they country when event ca ...

i think shu must learn what is teammates for... this game not for individual but need teamwork... wei n wu 73 have great teamwork.. so coward like hippa should be out from the team thats my  opinion to shu 73
Author: Hippa    Time: 2017-7-19 23:45
Edited by Hippa at 2017-7-19 23:46

I don't cry, i'm not the one who has request a merge for days now ;)
I just say the server is balanced and don't need a merge.
If you want a merge shu need also a strong shu country.
Author: BoomBoom    Time: 2017-7-20 10:21
Just as you said Ariel it's every man for himself or lady. I will agree shu need actives and some leadership but wei need some decent strong amount of actives. Wu need decent amount of actives, no way to counter super RC. Our country also halted RC maybe a couple do monthly. Fact remains as long as one country is too strong the other two will join hands. I just want the clash of three, something to make it exciting but not extreme like one country having OP players.
Author: Inspire    Time: 2017-7-23 16:06
Just hope we gonna merge with you guys , S69 shu and Wu also want merge . Because they also high Vip but not with active team mates . Hope it works out ya . Enjoy the games guys
Author: pegasus    Time: 2017-7-25 21:59
Inspire replied at 2017-7-23 16:06
Just hope we gonna merge with you guys , S69 shu and Wu also want merge . Because they also high Vip ...

i will very happy if s73 merge with s69... ^__^
Author: Inspire    Time: 2017-7-26 12:58
pegasus replied at 2017-7-25 21:59
i will very happy if s73 merge with s69... ^__^

Hi bro , me and my team also . Haha
Author: GAHC    Time: 2017-7-27 14:31
Should merge with s16 - s16 no strong wei.. U can fill the void Inspire
Author: quicklves    Time: 2017-7-27 18:29
GAHC replied at 2017-7-27 14:31
Should merge with s16 - s16 no strong wei.. U can fill the void Inspire

Ah u too old buddy, u just go merge with my older server s21 shu,there is mighty johnson888 n LB, both of them my old friends
Author: Inspire    Time: 2017-7-28 18:38
GAHC replied at 2017-7-27 14:31
Should merge with s16 - s16 no strong wei.. U can fill the void Inspire

If can bring it on , i like challenge . More than happy . Haha
Author: R3djoker    Time: 2017-7-31 17:48
I hope GM will consider to merge S73 ASAP, with any server, will be fine. As today, there is hardly to see any player online. Not much to kill or to get killed by. You can stuck like 2 hours and a 960 feat haven't fully filled yet (because the map color still haven't changed, or maybe just because I don't know where to find it), my point is.. it's so da** quiet in here. Especially when MHUO or MOH event came, if there's no barb event, you can say good bye to c7 if you don't sit a day and a whole night to catch it (FYI I'm a 115 lv).

So, GM, please bring in more players. Thanks.
Author: Zago    Time: 2017-8-2 12:21
fyi, half of wei74 gone after merge with 72

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