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Title: Getting Rid of Clones Suggestion [Print this page]

Author: HuGet    Time: 2014-7-3 00:07
Title: Getting Rid of Clones Suggestion
Dear GM,

Im from Shu S12 and we have been playing fine until sore losers started making excuses, they say we use clones to win, but the funny fact is im too busy to play clones to attack others and so are many of my players as i chat with them daily, i also have my work to do, and rather pay to play. Then wu and wei allied against us, which is normal. But they started making 3-6 ID per player to start siege cities and assault, which is FREE, unlike many of our player who are higher VIP's.

Now then they accuse Shu of having multiple accounts to WIN, and i know we do not as i chat with them daily, but sore losers always make many excuses. The funny thing is they just ASSUMED we do, and started spamming free accounts. The thing i hate the most is that it's so annoying that you cannot prove who is the REAL loser using multi's, because this game allows multi's so easily. I play many games and spend a lot, was VIP 10 in Chaos of Three Kingdom, and no need mention this one what VIP i am. It's damn annoying is that those freebies can make so many free accounts to play unfairly.

I hope GM can do something about it, to at least make it harder for people to make new accounts and wipe em. A few ways are:
1) Check if multiple same ID playing from same IP.
2) Make some verification method so people can only have one account in one device (Mobage does that a lot and it works).
3) The problem is PC, those ppl are using multiple browsers to make ID and play at once. Why I know? Because i was in Chaos of TK and many player does that. The thing is in Chaos TK, 10 FREE ID stand nothing against ONE high VIP players, but here, in Clash of TK, numbers win, and FREE, that is plain cheating. Sooner or later you will lose your really paying customer. Now im not sure how you can limit this, but maybe try email or facebook verification.

Note: I have nothing against FREE players, as they make the game fun, but misusing the game mechanics and making multi's are the ones i'm talking about. Based on my experience, game dev's dont respond fast because they don't really care bout the players, just the money, and i might end up quitting sooner or later when these free ones spam those free accounts to siege.

Oh and those annoying comments are from Wu, if they comment below, just check their VIP level and check if they have multi's. If GM erase multi, I will be glad to know to PROVE that they LOST sorely based on the fact that there are MANY players are in SHU, not multi's. I noticed a SUDDEN increase in the number of players in Wu and Wei in the past 3 days, please check the validity of the new accounts.

Now if you are also a VIP player, please help to approve and give suggestion. I'm sick of sore losers accusing us, as i'm busy enough at work so i can earn and  spend on what i like, and those losers with no life end up making many free accounts to compensate from paying event a cent. This game is supposed to be fun, but this way, no point paying more.

Author: sima    Time: 2014-7-3 00:27
Yes, I agree. Those clones are really annoyed. Most of them fight with auto off, to make us stuck. Sometime i just log out. We love to spend fighting with the real and strong but not those clones. It makes the game become boring. I really hope GM working on it. If not so, the game will die, ofc you still have many clones fighting but the real players who support you, will leave one by one.

Author: MaChau    Time: 2014-7-3 00:52
i MaChau from shu s8 agree and i vigorously opposed about use ILLEGAL PROGRAM which till now GM still cant fix it...GM only use identify code for solusion BUT now seem not really work cause that ILLEGAL PROGRAM getting smarter cause can broke that code n wei can walk in world map 24/7 again
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-7-3 09:16
1.i hate clones also
  if don't want your heroes die then don't play war system game,go play harvest moon
  defend or attack i always use auto-on
  for me faster die means faster to retroop and start another battle
2.i hate siege stealer
  i ate whole damage from defender but these pathetic dumbass come and got siege points,remove those exp bonus from siegeing
  killing rank is more than enough
3.gangbanging like a bunch of asshole
  defender only 1 last row left,but the attacker maybe 10ish or sometimes 70++
  they don't know about assault feature/too stupid to understand/too scare if they got scratched

for me die faster means can battle more
i don't like "just buy time"

Author: MadaraUchiha    Time: 2014-7-3 11:03
I hope the gm can make a system so that it must be always auto on during event perods
Author: ry4i7    Time: 2014-7-3 21:02
agreed with that ,i am also from shu S12 and GM please do something with this matter or else just will make the game boring ,and i will quit also because of the clone account that make this game become shi*t
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-3 22:40
Thief shout thief. Shu do that n asay wu which do it. Show we have a pic which can give u an evidence. See who is TRUE Liar n Th true LOSER! Fair play dont like a child.
Author: ry4i7    Time: 2014-7-4 14:15
if GM really act will know who is right one ^^
Clone tipe level low and always auto off , they said shu s12 many clone ,do we really have time to play all clone until high level?
for me myself ,i dont think so ,just play 1 account already spent my time a lot ,dont want to waste time to control a clone id again
shu s12 in battle always high level there , and wu s12 when battle always clone auto off id there
imagine when we want to battle a city and wu s12 defend it with just 5 clone id with 4 gen each (lvl 49 also i have met), do we enjoy the battle ?
for me ,i dont think so ,and i will think about other game that fair enough than this game then
i pay for game just for enjoy it ,if i cannot enjoy it i rather find other game than play this game
hope GM will see this and act fast , or if GM just dont care then so be it
mr. Arthur i hope u see this and at least reply and check it at s12 ^^
Author: senz    Time: 2014-7-4 15:49
please see what huget write the highest lvl
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-4 19:21
we have an evidance and hu get tell by his self to one of my player. U can look. I have post the screen shoot which huget admit if he has made 6 id clones. We have met too shu player auto off in low level to delay time. If u can show us the evidance that we use clones. We already have it! So dont be like child. Thieft still are thief.
Author: tochbing    Time: 2014-7-4 19:25
Huget lv manybe higher but is not guarantee if he hadnt made clones. Show us the evidance that with use clones. We already post the pic which huget admitt use clones using indonesian leaguage. So R4is u are same with huget. Because i made id in shu too so i know. Maybe both of us wu n shu use clones. So what ur problem?  Because ur country always LOSE againts wu n wei. So terrible. If u dojt like lose move to other server that u can win easily
Author: aeldra    Time: 2014-7-4 22:54
im free player too,and this is getting annoying..its just a game..either u pay to play,or cheap freebies..one account,multi account..who cares?!its just a game..have fun with it..i'm from wu s12.and i play when im free of work.i count and know every peraon in wu..i dont know if any of them had multi acc!i dont care,and i dont care about yours too..pls just have fun and keep this game a "game".dont take it personally..cheers.. aeldra,wu,free player COTK S12
Author: SiKontoL    Time: 2014-7-5 19:42
i am gold player and i hate clones also, but i agree with theese difference between VIP player and non-VIP player. Non-VIP player making this game alive, If VIP player keep bullying them, they gonna retire and VIP player lost their fun. So i wont agree with VIP sutff which can make huge difference
Author: aloat    Time: 2014-8-4 09:15
I'm from wei s8 n I would like to reply espically to s8 shu machow.The reason we made more than one accn is because Watz made so many accns.He's a high lvl in shu and  how else can we respond?Unless Gm does something about bots we will never have a balanced playing field. I fully agree with the elemination of multi accounts and I also hope that each faction should be made to be more balanced so that the various factions will have an equal number of players.
Author: Neptune    Time: 2014-8-10 10:38
Dear GM,

Firstly, you can consider to set duration for non-VIP players, say 2 or 3 or 4 weeks...you decide.
After the free duration, account will be disabled unless they become VIP 1 and above.

Secondly, email verification for account is mandatory.

These may not eliminate all clones but should at least bring them down. In addition, you get more genuine players and more gold if they proceed to make the clones VIP.

Author: Vandslaux    Time: 2014-8-10 21:41
Neptune replied at 2014-8-10 10:38
Dear GM,

Firstly, you can consider to set duration for non-VIP players, say 2 or 3 or 4 weeks...you ...

Setting a duration for non-VIP players will turn off regular f2p players who don't use clones
Author: ocarta    Time: 2014-8-12 10:16
is there any GM who is looking at this forum ??
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-8-18 16:17
thank your suggest

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