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Title: Instance-Guan Du, Pass Zhang He [Print this page]

Author: shibatatim    Time: 2014-7-4 08:39
Title: Instance-Guan Du, Pass Zhang He
I've been stuck on Zhang He in the instance Guan Du for a week now and am seeking the member base aid. Zhang He is level 57, while all my General's are level 61. At first I was attacking him with Zhu Rong, Wen Chou and Yan Liang. While in game, a member advised me to swap Yan Liang for Xu Huang. All my equipment is maxed for what I can get at level 61 and are two stars.

So, let me here your thoughts and please help.

Author: MadaraUchiha    Time: 2014-7-4 09:32
Yan liang is not good... better change it for xu huang. Later, you can use zhanghe to change wen chou because wenchou only attack 2 rows.
Author: Rollo!    Time: 2014-7-4 10:09
foster ur general, raise ur armament level, refine ur eq with atk def troop, use liegeman(assistant), 1st : wchou, 2nd xhyuan, 3rd xu huang
Author: SiKontoL    Time: 2014-7-4 14:05
use ur brain so ur wen chou skill can be more effective
Author: darthsin    Time: 2014-7-4 14:50
woo.. man.. if you are stuck at Zhang He, wait till you see Xiahou Dun. I can't do it till lvl 83.
Author: shibatatim    Time: 2014-7-6 15:30
Passed. Used Wen Chou's Raid after Zhang He used Predict, that way I auto-won each role after.
Author: Verum    Time: 2014-9-17 13:51
Zhang He is just the warm up, wait till you meet Elite Instance
Author: shibatatim    Time: 2014-9-20 04:48
Yup, already up against Xiahou Dun. Pretty tough, Bu almost past it.  Lvl 76 Tai Shi Ci.

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