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Title: Equip skills? Anyone know all of them? [Print this page]

Author: Phamhyu    Time: 2013-12-20 10:39
Title: Equip skills? Anyone know all of them?
those are some skill in equip I dont know it for? Can anyone tell me?

Author: DarkOne    Time: 2014-1-9 04:35
Seriously GM answer these questions
Author: Mercam    Time: 2014-1-9 08:55
No one including the devs know.
Author: spy    Time: 2014-1-13 03:05
same question want to know
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-1-13 10:05
Sorry for the delay. Please read something about the game >>>https://www.facebook.com/notes/clash-of-three-kingdoms/tipshow-to-become-powerful/1428455314039178

I recommed our Facebook Page to you >>>https://www.facebook.com/ClashofThreeKingdoms
Author: Kelvinhoo    Time: 2014-1-13 13:03
It does not explain what is harm & immu rate for.
Author: Avinvwong    Time: 2014-1-13 23:09
wow thx for explaining what we already read in game -.- what does is to raise skill damage raise skill block rate, and which one make u take less damage that would help not posting the same crap we already know thx

Author: W.W.P.P    Time: 2014-2-12 11:34
had spended my money into this game for more than $ 500, But what did i got ?... Very unfair with the rule of the game... I did supported you game with being VIP 6 to keep this game alive, But in return the game are not love me enough with their rule for not making diffrent from other free player and the VIP one... Remember, who keep your bussiness still alive till today... The free player ?... Or Us...

WWF Note : Only One Species Can Save All Other Species... Us

Note :

Species = VIP Player

Other Species = Free Player

Us = VIP Player

If you want your bussiness keep alive... Be Wise to everyone who keep your bussiness alive... Thats the rule of the real life in this world, Unless you

just created this game just for fun, And you never though to need benefactor trhu VIP player to keep the blood of this game keep moving and


Please consider this... Thanks You...
Author: Zai    Time: 2014-5-13 09:31
Really tried for the past 1hr to look for information on what does "raise immu rate" / "raise harm rate" do....
Really really cannot find any information... Anyone can help?
Author: sima    Time: 2014-5-13 13:19
Immu rate = tactic defend( reduce tactic damage). Immu skill rate =  defend against skill attack( reduce skill damage) ironwall.
Author: anis    Time: 2015-9-23 15:34
that is explain nothing we still confuse
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2015-9-23 17:08
Ironwall decreases the mount of damage an enemy's skill does to you by a percentage.
Harm Increases the amount or damage you deal with the first attack.
Immu decreases the amount of damage the enemy's common attack does to you.

I'm unsure about Tactic. A lot of players insist that is increases your chances of successfully casting your general's skill.
Author: heyyo    Time: 2015-9-23 17:53
attack: harm=add attack by %
          tactic = add skill attack by %

defense: immu = reduce damage received by %
            ironwall = reduce skill damage received by %

attack,defense , block , trick all are by attributes e.g +50, + 100
Author: juiboy    Time: 2015-9-23 23:19
Edited by juiboy at 2015-9-23 23:29

Tactic = augment your trick's damage. But experiments show that a 4 star trick is better than a 4 star tactic. The good thing about tactic is that it causes more damage than trick in a specific terrain (ex: giving a tactic to DW in mountains will be more effective than a trick).

Ironwall: increase your block rate of the opponent's trick. The problem with this equip is that it's "all or nothing." Either u block or not. So this is the least valauble equip among all.

Block = diminish the damage caused by the opponent's trick attack. U can put one or two on CW, ZT or XD.  

Immu = reduce the common attack damage caused by the opponent's general. This is why u better put immu on XC, GJ, or MC (generals who are strong in common attacks).

Harm = augment the damage in the specific terrain. For example, when Zhou Yu uses harm in waters, his attack skill goes up. In general u put harm on XD or MC coz their atk skill goes up by 15 or 25% in every terrain (except the city). So better put a 4 star harm than atk on XD and MC. It is said however that when ur general atk is above 5000, u better put harm than atk.

Hope that answers your question.   
Author: youyou    Time: 2015-9-24 00:45
ur ironwall is wrong , nothing affects block rate exccept lead
Author: juiboy    Time: 2015-9-24 02:20
Edited by juiboy at 2015-9-24 08:38
youyou replied at 2015-9-24 00:45
ur ironwall is wrong , nothing affects block rate exccept lead

Yup. Ur right.
After re-reading my post, I found out that I got it wrong.  
The difference between Block and Ironwall is a matter of "fixed or variable" rate of defense (and not block) when dealing with the opponent's trick.
It is said that when u r under lev 100, better use block than iron.
Above 100, using Iron is more effective than using block.   

Author: Afrooo    Time: 2015-9-24 16:43
Ironwall reduces the damage the enemy's skill does to you by %.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-9-24 20:18
And now the tricky question. As I get to know recently, "Final negation rate" on supertrinkets and Star Atlas means Immu. How many equip Immu matches 3% of Final negation rate ? Has someone made some experiments on this topic ?

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-9-29 18:18
Now with announced new suits it seems that IMMU suit has 4 pcs of IMMU and 8% of final negation rate. Does this mean that 1 full  IMMU piece of equip equals 2 % of final negation rate or is it just bonus adjusted to 4 IMMU pcs ?!
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-9-29 18:19
If so it means Dragon 4 SA = 1,5 full immu equip which would be great.
Author: Hawk282    Time: 2015-9-30 10:58
Edited by Hawk282 at 2015-9-30 11:21

Ok, you got my attention. Some considerations...

EDIT: I tested again and I was wrong, they fixed the system and Heyyo is the one correct:

attack: *harm=add attack by %
          tactic = add skill attack by %

defense: immu = reduce damage received by %
            ironwall = reduce skill damage received by %

attack,defense , block , trick all are by attributes e.g +50, + 100

*Note harm is not terrain related as we previously thought, or not anymore at least
Author: maryking    Time: 2016-12-27 16:13
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Author: Enthonie    Time: 2016-12-30 09:00
what trinket do i need to combine with my hersbit fragments?

Author: LeiYin    Time: 2016-12-30 20:38
Equipment Explanation
Troop - Increase amount of troop, more exp when hero die but more food use
Attack - Increase damage from normal hits.
Defense - Reduce damage from normal hits only.
Block - Increase chance to block enemy skill (BUT doesn't work that well at all, Blocking enemy skill atk depends on hero level difference +/- their lead with small value of Equipment block contribution = chance of block or not)
Tactic - Increase chance your hero skill attack becomes unblock able (Does not work on Guo Jai).
Trick - This increase ur hero skill damage
Ironwall - Reduce damage you take from enemy skill attack (You don't need really need this crap yet BUT if you already have all matching lvl 5 then keep it *for now*
Harm - Increase your hero crush damage (This is the FIRST damage you do when your hero run into the enemy hero)
Immune - Reduce Damage from crush damage AND also reduce damage from normal hits (Most people say it's only for the first damage but i see that it helps alot with the normal atks as well)
Author: Ethan    Time: 2017-1-3 01:33
waooo arthur back to a live now..
Heyshell will die soon..

just move to new game like me, cause all server now master clone..
Author: Dash24-5    Time: 2017-1-3 02:25
LeiYin replied at 2016-12-30 20:38
Equipment Explanation
Troop - Increase amount of troop, more exp when hero die but more food use
Att ...

"Block - Increase chance to block enemy skill" --> don't think so, cuz only lead can affect the skill block rate(+ trinket special skill), what it does adds a numeric amount to skill def(which is not visible) unlike Ironwall which negates a percentage of Skill damage, analogous to Defense and Immu

"Tactic - Increase chance your hero skill attack becomes unblock able" --> again skill success rate is determined by lead only. Trick adds a certain numerical amount to skill damage whereas tactic adds a percentage to skill damage.

"Harm - Increase your hero crush damage " --> Yes and no. Yes it increases the collision damage, and no it doesnot stop at that. Harm increases overall damage..be it skill damage, common attack or collision damage. Since harm is the only thing that increases collision damage, that is the most apparent effect of this skill

"Defense - Reduce damage from normal hits only."--> Yes and no. Yes it reduces damage against normal attacks, but mind that defense skill adds to defense stat, and skill defense depends on Defense stat. So effectively it increases skill defense well.

"Attack - Increase damage from normal hits." --> again attack skill increases attack stat. Similar to skill defense, Skill attack is a factor of attack stat as well. So if attack stat increases, skill attack also increases. Though not as apparent as trick, but when used in combination it works wonders to increase skill damage.

I Apologize for nitpicking

Author: Dyolox    Time: 2017-1-3 14:07
Harms does nothing for skill damage. It raises hero atk stat but not damage from skill. Easy test. Swapped a hidden troop for hidden harm, no difference. Curious where players get their definitions from since gm says nothing. Especially the hidden stat ones...
Author: stonemanlz    Time: 2017-1-3 15:34
if u can read chinese, go the chinese forum and read up on the game info. some of words are lost in translation. block equip is skill defence, tactics is skill attack by % but resist tactics hcrux is not increase skill defence
Author: Dash24-5    Time: 2017-1-3 18:50
Edited by Dash24-5 at 2017-1-3 19:02

I said about harm based on the input of a GM's reply to a player's query about harm. It is same as Final damage rate where it modifies the damage with a certain %. According to the GM harm affects all damage.

But you are right, skill is not affected, guess even GM doesnot know what he is writing. Guess Immu and harm are polar opposite of each other.

Author: donjuan    Time: 2017-1-4 11:47
Edited by donjuan at 2017-1-4 11:53


For equip,
Troop, Att, Deff i think all clear.

When u first clash with enemy, the number of enemy's damage equals to your Att stat and Harm percentage,
In opposite, the number of your ability to reduce enemy's first clash damage equals to your Deff stat and Immu percentage.

When u skill attack enemy, the number of enemy's damage equals to your Att stat, Trick stat and Tactics percentage.
In opposite, the number of your ability to reduce enemy's skill attack damage equals to your Deff stat, Block stat and Ironwall percentage.


For Horcrux,
I think all clear about Rebound.

Defend is to increase your overall power by percentage if you're defender (useless if you're attacker).
Storm is to increase your overall power by percentage if you're attacker (useless if you're defender).
All Resists is to increase your overall power by percentage if you're facing certain enemy type.

Improve Tactics is to reduce damage caused by your enemy when your enemy hit you with battle tactics,
Charge is to improve damage caused to your enemy when you hit them with battle tactics.
Formidable Troops, i have no idea what the fak is this.

Battle tactics is assault over attack, attack over defend and defend over assault.


For Trinklet,
Final Damage Rate is to increase by percentage your overall damage of attack, skill attack, first clash.
Final Negation Rate is to increase by percentage your overall ability to reduce damage caused by enemy's attack, skill attack, first clash.

Others im not sure.


For liegemen,
Common Att Absolute Damage is the number of damage by attack you will certainly cause to your enemy if they are far more stronger than you.
Skill Att Absolute Damage is the number of damage by skill att you will certainly cause to your enemy if they are far more stronger than you.

Others im not sure.

Too many shits here,
Please help anyone.

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