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How to get rid of your gut in 10 days

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Post time 2023-1-22 01:14:49 |Show the author posts only |Descending

Yes, we know: A title like "How to lose your belly in10 days" screams "nonsense."
But to tell the truth, it really is possible to burn bellyfat in just a week and a half. The key to success is in the details, and youmust follow them meticulously. But don't stress: this is a short-term emergencyfat loss, not a long-term lifestyle plan. Whether you're preparing for a partyor a vacation, we'll take care of it.
Note: Results may vary depending on the size of yourbelly.  
1. Going to bed
Fatigue can cause a belly. "Lack of sleep disruptsmetabolism and sabotages efforts to maintain an ideal weight," says Dr.Jana Klauer, an obesity researcher at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in NewYork. And here's how it works: fat cells produce a hormone called leptin, whichtells the body how much potential energy it has stored. Since leptin productionpeaks at night, when we sleep, sleep deprivation can disrupt levels of thishormone. The end result? Your body has no idea how much energy it has stored,so you end up storing fat instead of burning it.
Make sure nightly rest is an integral part of anyweight-loss program. Adequate sleep prevents energy crashes and helps reducecravings for carbohydrates, Klauer adds. It also helps develop the muscles thatattack the stomach. "Sleep deprivation causes a decrease in the productionof human growth hormone," Klauer explains (This shifts the fat your bodystores to your waistline). "After a good workout, you sleep deeper andslower, and it is during this cellular renewal phase of sleep that up to 70% ofdaily growth hormone secretion occurs in young men. This means that even if youtrain in the gym, you still need to go to bed to complete the biologicalprocess that makes muscles grow.
Get seven hours of sleep a night.
2. Strengthen with protein
Protein is the main component of muscle tissue and thereforeshould be the main focus of your muscle-building diet. For such an emergencyration, aim for 1.5 g per pound of your target weight. Each meal should alwayscontain some form of protein to ensure that muscles receive amino acidsthroughout the day and that blood sugar levels are stabilized. Under normalcircumstances, you should consume about 1 g per pound of body weight. Alwayseat protein after exercise.
3. Have a carbohydrate strategy
We've heard it before: "Carbs are the enemy."Well, not really. Limiting your carbohydrate intake completely will certainlyhelp you lose weight (and fast), but it will also make you feel cranky, tiredand lethargic. "Carbohydrates are essential because our brain and centralnervous system need them to function properly. If you starve yourself of carbs,your body may be forced to metabolize muscle for energy," explains Tim McComsey,R.D., P.T. The key is to use carbohydrates wisely and not cut them outcompletely. "To get lean, it's ideal to balance the right amount of carbsin the morning and after your workout," he says.

4. Train for nine days
Most people think endurance training paves the way for asix-pack, but in reality, it's the elevation that's the deciding factor. Forthe next week and a half, train for nine days.
Do your strength training at night, because intervaltraining is part of your morning routine.
Here's your breakdown:
·       Day 1: legs
·       Day 2: Breast
·       Day 3: Back
·       Day 4: shoulders
·       Day 5: arms
·       Day 6: Stop
·       Day 7: Legs
·       Day 8: Chest
·       Day 9: Back
·       Day 10: Shoulders
5. Do intervals for seven days.
If your goal is to burn fat, intervals should be part ofyour program. Intervals are not only a quick way to get a great workout, theyare also extremely effective in transforming your body. By alternating periodsof intense work with short recovery periods, intervals allow you to train athigh intensity while maintaining your form. The magic of high-intensityinterval training is that it maintains fat burning even after you leave thegym. In short, your body is unable to provide sufficient oxygen during periodsof heavy exercise. As a result, you build up an "oxygen debt" thatyou must pay off after the workout to get back to normal. As a result, yourmetabolism continues to work for hours after you leave the gym.  
Do interval training in the morning on an empty stomach.Here are 8 of our favorite fat-burning intervals.
·       Day 1: Up
·       Day 2: Walking
·       Day 3: Out
·       Day 4: Up
·       Day 5: Up
·       Day 6: Out - complete a 60-minute endurance runat a leisurely pace.
·       Day 7: On
·       Day 8: Walk
·       Day 9: Out
·       Day 10: On
6. Get laid
Testosterone, perhaps the best-known hormone, causesweightlifters to develop more muscle and recover faster from training. Otherhormones, such as growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and hCG,also play an important role in recovery and increasing size and strength (notto mention your mood and sex life). To raise your hormone levels to optimallevels, you need to balance your lifestyle, perfect your diet and train at theright intensity. Too much stress in daily life can lead to the secretion ofmore catabolic hormones (such as cortisol), which destroy muscle and make itharder to build the figure you want. "From what we know, regular exercise,adequate sleep and lots of sex are the best conditions for increasing themuscle-building hormone King (also known as testosterone)," says Dr. YoniFreedhoff, family physician and assistant professor at the University ofOttawa.
7. Use a stack of supplements
There is no secret elixir or magic pill, just the basics.
Supplement with caffeine (200mg before training) andbeta-alanine (2g in the morning, 2g after training).
A 2008 study from the College of New Jersey looked atcollege football players who took beta-alanine for 30 days. The players wererandomly assigned to a supplement group and a placebo group three weeks beforelast season's training camp. Performance was measured on the first day of campby a 60-second anaerobic performance test and three line exercises. During thetraining camp, the volume of resistance training was recorded and participantscompleted questionnaires on perceived pain, fatigue and training intensity. Thegroup that took the beta-alanine preparation was less likely to tire and had ahigher training volume during exercise.
Researchers in the United Kingdom found that athletes whoconsumed caffeine had 5.6% less perceived exertion than athletes who receivedplacebos. The researchers also found that caffeine improved overall trainingperformance by 11.2%. Imagine getting 11% more out of each workout just becauseyou drank a little caffeine before training.

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