Heyshell Games Forum

Title: [Event]Submit Bugs to Win Prizes [Print this page]

Author: COTK_GM    Time: 2013-11-7 18:22
Title: [Event]Submit Bugs to Win Prizes

Event Duration:
Closed Beta Testing Period

Clash of Three Kingdoms has finally arrived! We worked very hard to bring you a game that should surpass your every expectation! However, human as we are, there might still be some unforeseen errors in the game that evaded our attention – that’s where you come in! If you happen to spot any bugs in-game, you can report them for generous rewards.
By submitting any valid bug you find to Clash of Three Kingdoms forum, you’ll receive a bounty of 100 gold. We will announce the list of honorable Bug Hunters within a week on our Official Site and forum.

Bug Reporting Guidelines:
1. Post any bug you find or any suggestion you think fine for Clash of Three Kingdoms in Bug Reports.
2. All bugs and suggestion should be first-hand; that means you should not copy from any other player.
3. You should give a detailed description of the bug you find, including the time you find it , the browser you use as well as a screenshot that can show the problem.
4. For the same bug or suggestion, the prize will be offered to the first player who posts it.
5. Players can receive different prizes for different bugs or suggestions they post, but players will get the prize for the same bug or suggestion only once.

Player Name: Molly
Bug Description:

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