Title: current wide hand [Print this page] Author: liuer Time: 2018-5-2 19:02 Title: current wide hand kinds big. After be being held in installment, current wide hand in meeting exhibition area to be able to amount to 310 thousand square metre, standard of amount to international is 1x4 composite decking exhibited 15676, increase nearly one times than previous term or session; Ginseng exhibit an enterprise to amount to 8429, increase 3620 than previous term or session, amplitude is 75 % about. As a result of sessional shorten, exhibited a cost to reduce 3 into, churchyard enterprise is able to decrease negative, the travelling merchant outside the condition is managing also purchase cost. Wide hand in plastic balcony plank sale Hu Chu of conference vice director to be born emphasize, hold in installment be not for pure increase ginseng exhibit industry measure, the key is to rise wide make the international competition ability of the meeting. For this, current mass rally will take active management, accomplish " 3 ensure " : Ensure join the actual strength that postpones a business and financial condition not to drop; vinyl deck materials Ensure cloth is exhibited and class of item on display does not drop; Ensure service and level of management have bigger rise. Wide hand in can hold this one reform in installment, be joined the welcome that exhibits business and major traveling Author: WangLieHom Time: 2018-5-2 19:09
Fuuck yourself for spamming
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