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Title: GM SHUD ASK BEFORE MERGER!!! [Print this page]

Author: XXXzel    Time: 2014-8-5 12:06
GM, please consider us.. dont always merge server before u ask the player..
thats really one side decision!
u do the poll on s1s2 merger ONLY!

please consider this!
Author: LuMengz    Time: 2014-8-5 12:08
i am from s10 and i reject to merge it!!
Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-5 12:14
Wei S10. Reject !!!

GM Not care about how we playing the game. Need money only.
Author: Sirogane    Time: 2014-8-5 12:17
wu s10 REJECT merge!
Author: zhoA    Time: 2014-8-5 12:19
2 weak wei server seems like a good merge....
Author: Sirogane    Time: 2014-8-5 12:21
wei s8 = grave keeper + wei s10 grave kepper : ULTRA grave keeper!! yay~
Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-5 12:25
Edited by MaChao at 2014-8-5 12:33

That's true.

Our Wei is used to get 50% EXP from Wu and Shu everyday.

We need STRONG WEI not just some bluntly MERGE !


This gonna be Clash of TWO Kingdoms !
Author: zhugezai    Time: 2014-8-5 12:54
Author: Jsnazz    Time: 2014-8-5 17:35
Edited by Jsnazz at 2014-8-5 17:39

S8 server is run by bots and fake army.

Merge or no merge shu will overrun any server they touch and all because the GM lied to us by saying they'll investigate and get ride of the clones but nothing happen.

Look at this and tell me how its like to be in a siege with 170+ clones...

Author: Wumin    Time: 2014-8-5 19:50
GM please consider our request.. we just play this game as this is a 1 server game to enjoy .. now you merge its like ......

please revert to the old way.. and please kindly let us vote before u decide to merge.. it like stealing other belonging and than tell the owner/....
Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-5 22:56
Edited by MaChao at 2014-8-6 13:51

WTF 172.. Never seen that numbers ever !!

Nice view before Merge...





Maybe after merge Wei only have YeCheng.. If GM really care about this.

We need real person not some bot that can reach 172 generals.

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-8-7 12:42
MaChao replied at 2014-8-5 12:25
That's true.

Our Wei is used to get 50% EXP from Wu and Shu everyday.

merge S8+S10+S13+S15
totally wei rubbish
Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-7 13:01
This is just PROVE that GM NEVER Listen !



Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-8-7 13:06

Author: Jsnazz    Time: 2014-8-8 12:47
Edited by Jsnazz at 2014-8-11 09:40

GM is just lazy by simply merging the servers. They don't really understand how shu has the most spenders and they also has the most clones.

So when they merged, they're actually forcing the weaker side to become even weaker..

I never say this before but you can't cure stupidity.

ps. I suggest ya'll stop playing this game. It will be a frustrating experience from this point on. why? this game is all about buying damage with real money.

And numbers +++++++

Author: Neptune    Time: 2014-8-8 15:30
Now there have even more clones:

This server is f**ked up.
Author: KeigoMaximus    Time: 2014-10-31 14:01
actuallu merge is not like this,shu with shu,wei with wei,wu with wu,why not player can choose what side from beginning merge,so it can create a balance team,GM must use a limit to one kingdom,player who first enter kingdom must have limit than the other must choose the other sides/kingdom,so maybe in old server friends can became friends,enemy can bcme friends,friends can bcm enemy.thats the way to create a balance kingdom for the both server,its boring too we only face our enemy from old server,why cannot be friend.
and 1 more solutions,merge with 3 server so 1 server in shu,1 server in wei,1 server in Wu,so all friends and emeny in 1 server can became ally facing witj other servers in differents kingdom,thats the way to create balance team.

Author: Athur    Time: 2014-10-31 16:48
Sir/Madame, we're appreciated for the information you asked and will feedback to our staff, and this is one point should be mentioned, all the merger job we did is based on the information we collected from players. and if you have any good idea or reasonable advice, pls send it to us, thx
Author: atrenis    Time: 2014-11-9 17:12
server merge wont solve much. For example i am in s16 wu. s16 shu is the strongest and will prolly only get stronger. say we merge with s15 or s17 where the situtation is the same what diff does it make except to strengthen shu even more?

With the no cool down on duels, basically all it means is the one with the most active player, most vip and most clones win (and this usually go hand in hand...more active = more clones. makes sense doesn't it). Frankly where once i would fight in city seige, now i would rather save my food for farming since it is pointless.

Playing this game longer makes me realize that it's pointless unless your country is strong and even if your country is strong the gap between your country and players in say s8 will only grow. This is even if the player in the weaker country and stronger country spends the same amount of money and same amt of time and starts the game at the same time.

So unless the merging is done to balance the game play and not to merge for the sake of merging this game nothing is going to change. And in order to do so, gm should consider 1. cross merging of country. for example if the state of the server is shu strong wu mid wei weak in both s16 n s17, s16 shu n s17 wei could merge to form s16/17 shu. s17 shu and s16 wei would merge to form s16/17 wei and prolly both wu merge to form wu.

or 2 consider merging all 3 country into 1...ie s15 becomes shu s16 beomce wei s17 becomes wu or something like that. only problem is s17 and s15 time gap is huge and a proper compensation would be needed...(which in this game, the gm would probably give you something worthless)

There will still be some inbalance which can be avoided but at least it would make the game a little more balance.

just my 2 cents worth or thoughts

Author: KeigoMaximus    Time: 2014-11-11 00:26
This is i`m talking about,thank you atrenis you explain it so well,sorry me bad english.
I choose the 2nd options,this is the way to create a balance team,not only 2 servermerge,but 3 server merge.
so you can ally with your old enemy to face another server,and no need server tourney now,lol.
but i think it will be more interesting when we merge with 3 server,because when server tourneys come we from differents server now can become ally too.
but GM can do that?
GM must be consider will lost many server,they wont do it.
but if them keep doing like this merge only 2 server,soon server that already merge will have disaster like the old server,cause from that 3 kingdoms must be only 2 kingdoms later,most of Wu in each server was very few people.
i think better GM must fast to make a decissions.

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