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Title: game is dying.. Here is the fix! [Print this page]

Author: Danielqpk    Time: 2014-8-14 01:18
Title: game is dying.. Here is the fix!
At level 81 we need a tech to increase exp earned by 100%
At lvl 84 we need one that increases it by 150%
At this rate everyone is quitting on S2 vincere because the exp need is not obtainable or realistic for a normal human with somewhat of a life.
Some diamond purchases are unbalanced like 5000 diamonds for training slot 4... Really? $200
Arena placement rewards should be better #1 gets 300 vouchers and 20k iron whist 20th gets nothing relatively near to that?
These few things once fixed will increase population.
Please create the exp tech so we can research and not spend 50+ hours to level up.
Author: DometKitty    Time: 2014-8-25 13:49
Also, Help balance Country Population by tracking power, give 3rd place the 100 diamond start buff.  Never let 1st place have the buff.   

Fix the Forge.   Let it carry over,  getting +10 at 9/10 is ridiculous.

Would be nice to improve the odds at free refine, at least a tiny bit.

Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-8-25 17:48
This is why we quit Clas of Three Kingdoms.
If the cost of Diamonds were reduced, everyone would spend more.

You have to Love these greedy little game devolooers that think we are going to keep spending thousand of dollars and get nothing in return.

Remember this Heartbeat! You need us, we don't need u. I can download another game and keep on playing.
Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-8-25 17:54
Also, it takes 35 million Exp for me to reach lvl 93. That would take me weeks to achieve. Really 35 mil?
Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-8-25 18:43
Thx for your feedback. and we will think about all the suggestions carefully.
Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-8-25 20:19
Wow what a stupid ass response! Will think about all Suggestions carefully.  
Author: DometKitty    Time: 2014-8-26 02:59
Only thing I have to say is...  It makes sense that exp slows down past level 80.   In S1 you guys were lvl 92 with tony, and we barely had level 88/89's  Slow Exp at high levels gives lower levels time to catch up.

This is the proper fix i think to that issue.  Give a 'aged' exp boost.   you get 1% boost to all forms of exp for every level you are BELOW the highest level on the server.  So if level 92 is the highest level person currently, they get a 0% boost to exp(not counting the tech buffs)  a brand new level 1 would get a 91% buff to exp gained.
A level 80 would get a 11% buff to exp.  This is all forms of exp, quest rewards, instance, country wars.
Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-8-26 05:57
That makes no sence. Suppose u play less than me? Should I be penalized? No.this game should be based on time spent nothing else. Look at Henry, he has passed all of you up. You wanna penalize him?

You want Exp? Earn it......
Author: DometKitty    Time: 2014-8-26 06:45
such a whiner lol, cuz balance is such a bad thing?
Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-8-26 08:15
A whiner? Lmao. If u don't play the game, u don't get Exp. It's simple.

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