Title: wood flooring industry will regain [Print this page] Author: liuer Time: 2018-9-6 18:58 Title: wood flooring industry will regain low-level competition.Last month,composite front porch floor with high hardness the 11th International Exhibition on China's International Floor Materials and Paving Technology Exhibition, known as the “Asia's No. 1 and the World's No. 2”, was grandly opened at the Shanghai International Expo Center.pvc stick transparent boardThis is also the most direct and objective reflection of the barometer of the Chinese flooring industry.It is understood that despite the general weakness of the global market for
commercial flooring and elastic flooring, the scale of the exhibition has shown a contrarian growth, wood composite panel price myanmarwith an area of 90,000 square meters and more than 970 exhibitors, both of which are higher than the previous one. About 40%.There are indications that the active influx of foreign companies and the domestic export of domestic export enterprises will intensify competition in the flooring industry.wooden gate posts 6x6Relevant experts believe that the reason why the
exhibition is so popular is that since the end of last year,south perry resilient vinyl flooring the Chinese government has successively introduced various measures to expand domestic demand and maintain growth, so that the "winter" Chinese wood flooring industry will regain its vitality.At the same time, it also attracted a large number of foreign flooring companies.In the future, replacing travel trailer interior panelingthe floor will explode various types of marketing wars, price wars, brand wars and so on.This will
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