Title: some well-known floor manufacturers [Print this page] Author: liuer Time: 2018-9-14 11:39 Title: some well-known floor manufacturers national standards,engineered composite materials because the national laminate flooring standard “GB18580” - A public notice issued by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce on its website has attracted wide attention from outside the industry.bamboo fiber flooring "The Publicity of the Quality Supervision Results of Interior Decoration Materials of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce stated that according to the results of the quality monitoring of interior
decoration materials conducted by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce outdeck floor cost savingcommissioned by the National Building Materials Testing Center and the Beijing Construction Hardware Plumbing Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, It was found that many of the product manufacturers' nominal products were “E0” grade, which was inconsistent with the relevant national standards.faux panels wholesale dubaiThe industry and commerce
department will use this as an opportunity to rectify the chaotic wood flooring market.recycle veranda decking recallAccording to a media in Beijing, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce quoted that in the future, laminate flooring manufacturers are not allowed to mark “E0” on the floor slogan or packaging, otherwise they will be punished as “not legally labeled”. decorative wood wall panel exteriorThe next step will be to strengthen supervision and spot
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