Heyshell Games Forum

Title: COTK ( Clash Of Two Kingdoms ) [Print this page]

Author: WidoDevin    Time: 2014-8-20 00:06
Title: COTK ( Clash Of Two Kingdoms )

Author: anuardb1    Time: 2014-8-20 13:28
Hmm. Nice. But who win or lose..
SHU - Dont think so... just another ol game.. off n on and start all over again. Yes, maybe not for all.
WEI - USD100 to USD200 per day. Small money for those able.. Others is a good fortune.
WU - USD100 to USD300 per day or more. Wow only for ol game. Yeah, Small money for those able.. Others is an opportunities.

HEYSHELL - Overall winner....perhaps

Hihi..green; blue; or red. Does not matter. We met friends and new friends. Spent as what you can... and lastly enjoy the game. Shu friends have fun guys. Keep our heroes rolling untill no more food left then start all over again..
cheers - SHU player s6,s7,s8

Author: orochi    Time: 2014-8-20 13:59
oh no being farmed..
Author: CaoPi    Time: 2014-8-20 21:37
What server?

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