Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Quitting this game Too!!!!!! [Print this page]

Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-8-25 00:17
Title: Quitting this game Too!!!!!!

Once again, we are quitting this game too. We all agree that ur company does not know how to run a online game successfully.
(1). Customer service sucks
(2). Tiny rewards sucks
(3). Ranking up or leveling up is becoming harder and harder to archive. 35 mil to level up is reducilus.
(4). Cards suck.
I could go on and on, however that would be another waste of my time.

Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-8-25 09:52
Thx for your feedback and support~
and we will get more and more better .
Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-8-25 10:55
Heartbreak replied at 2014-8-25 09:52
Thx for your feedback and support~
and we will get more and more better .

Wow, that's a lame message. U have to do something or everyone will leave. As someone in another post says "This game is a  Dud after lvl 80". One problem is the increment it takes to get to the next lvl. You are so busy trying to sell Diamonds, but you truly don't know how to get us buy them.  

Wow, I can't believe that your asking me to buy 500 Diamonds and get Tiny Rewards. Such Bull Shit
Author: mk111    Time: 2014-9-19 23:53
Heartbreak replied at 2014-8-25 09:52
Thx for your feedback and support~
and we will get more and more better .

No..you won't.You will suck the last cent out of the fools,then close shop.I wonder why noone is playing/joining the game?Hrmmm.
Author: Haska    Time: 2014-9-21 17:53
they have right try with more atracting rewords and ppl might buy some.... And lvl up its so hard ... And its no chance for new comers to fight tina or tony or rock etc of lvl90+ to make a pitty chest kills off 2000000 try to do somthing cuz many new ones quit its impossible for them

Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-10-27 08:19
All true I think the same about this game they should make alerts for this game
Author: White    Time: 2015-1-22 18:50
Agreed! Feell bored now. Many of my friend left the game already

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