Title: Biggest sore loser of S12 - Wei King SpockLee [Print this page] Author: DarkKaiser Time: 2018-12-5 18:25 Title: Biggest sore loser of S12 - Wei King SpockLee Just to show how low (IQ and EQ wise) some sore loser can be when he can't do anything against a non-VIP 8. Continue to send such PMs and I will make sure the thread if alive with more juicy screenshots for the forum entertainment.
To admin/GM - if you ever have the chance to wander into this post, please help to move to the relevant section for complaint or better still, take this as a formal complaint against inappropriate use of language in game. Hopefully you will take action in the spirit of promoting healthier gameplay (wink wink).
Author: DarkKaiser Time: 2018-12-5 18:25
Screenshot #2Author: DarkKaiser Time: 2018-12-5 18:25
Screenshot #3 Author: DarkKaiser Time: 2018-12-5 18:25
Screenshot #4 Author: Busybody Time: 2018-12-6 09:00
Such shameless kingAuthor: Babyy Time: 2018-12-6 09:12
This king Wei Spook Lee should go back to school. Totally not educated. Author: Kakilangy Time: 2018-12-6 09:23
Aiyo.. No respect for ppl eldest, must be banned for bad language. You also have mother. U shame shame spoockleeAuthor: DarkKaiser Time: 2019-2-5 13:21
GM, GM.....you allow such behaviour in game? Shame on you and the one with the low IQ and EQ...tsk tsk.... Author: Matteo2618 Time: 2019-4-9 18:32
Here is the crazy Wei King again ( Spocklee S12 ) always using the foul languages to other player.
GM, you should ban him from playing the game.
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