Heyshell Games Forum

Title: [Event] Lure Master Sept. 2-3 GMT-4 [Print this page]

Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-9-1 15:14
Title: [Event] Lure Master Sept. 2-3 GMT-4
Edited by Heartbreak at 2014-9-1 15:16

[Duration] Tuesday to Wednesday (9/2 00:00 GMT-4 until 9/3 23:59 GMT-4)
[Servers] All servers

Get rewards when you get enough lure successful times.

Lure successful 20 times, you will get 20k Food
Lure successful 60 times, you will get 40k Food
Lure successful 120 times, you will get 100k Food and 20k Iron
Lure successful 160 times, you will get 80k Iron
Lure successful 200 times, you will get 100k Iron, 1k Voucher

[Please Note]
1.The Lure successful times are accumulative total number during this event, it means you have chance to have 20+40+100=160k Food, 20+80+100k=200k Iron, 1k Voucher during 2 days event.
2.Remember to click EVENTS in the top left of your screen to get your rewards package.
3.Please get your rewards package before 9/3 23:59 GMT-4.
4.Please according to our notice so that you can get your rewards.

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