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Title: Unbalanced Force Part II ( S8&S10 ) [Print this page]

Author: Stebel    Time: 2014-9-17 00:00
Title: Unbalanced Force Part II ( S8&S10 )
You dont care about the merge with s8 & s10.

This is what you GOT ! You just make it WORSE ! ( Did you got paid by someone to Merge S8&S10 and not S9&S10 ? )

This is TODAY Killing events. Yesterday Shu kills got 200 millions +++



Wei just discussed about Shu playing by himself and Tomorrow they really do IT. That's good.

Just waiting SHU S8&S10 players to replied this Thread

Just need One players to posting in 10 nicknames though

Author: Stratagem    Time: 2014-9-17 00:28
Edited by Stratagem at 2014-9-17 00:29

Wow.. I can barely see any blue dots.  

I think imbalance exists across multiple servers - it would still exists regardless of the pairing of the server merge.   

Something strike me as odd though.   Why are you not complaining about both shu and wu as they both occupy 50% of the map and caged you in?  Their kills not that far off either.
Author: monL77    Time: 2014-9-17 00:39
@Stebel : keep crying..

@Stratagem : because they're allies

Author: Devilz    Time: 2014-9-17 00:42
many shu n wu is RC player...how bout wei? dont complain coz ur nation is weak...ask ur king to RC more like sima, Machau, ferocious8 (The Shadow Master), Hugo (Monster Card Summon)
Author: Devilz    Time: 2014-9-17 00:56
Edited by Devilz at 2014-9-17 00:57

shu n wu win invest event bcoz they use gold how bout wei? shu n wei win killing event bcoz sima n ferocious8 use many shadow 50++ each, how bout wei? there's notification all world when someone using shadow rite?
Author: JandaManis    Time: 2014-9-17 01:14
Edited by JandaManis at 2014-9-17 01:16

Hi Stebel.

First of all i am very disappointed the way you think, you accusing shu by creating multiple account on wei and wu and deploy them to be killed by them again to get 200++ million kill. I think you got some issue here, and im sorry to say you are talking without thinking...... and sorry again YOU ARE STUPID.

here are some points i wanna share why you are STUPID.

* TIME = how long do you need to move 1 general to point A to point B?????? yeahhh you got it right its fucking slow to move ur fat ass... unless you are VIP 5 above then you will see speed. BUT that is one General in 1 country we are talking 3 country bitch can you VIP 5 3 of your General ?? so the point is STUPID

*DEVICE = how many PC, Laptops, Phone IPhone, Tab you need to move your gen in 3 country????? 1 yeah sure you can but Heyshell will not allowed you to move your gen once you close your device. Multiple browser? oh yes sure you can... but think again, how many player that will open multiple browser  and move three gen in different country??? so once again stupid.

*100+ of General Moving = You may say that you deploy your gen and the other general will wait you in the other side and they kill each other... I say Stupid, some one else player might move to that city and kill you general first.... so this is stupid

*People have life = Hey! COTK cant feed me.. I need to work, I have kids to support, I have a wife to make love with...I need to feed my cat, I need to send my grandma to Taichi..... I CANT Online COTK every Event..... Ohhh shit maybe im wrong here, maybe Heyshell pay you for playing COTK... that is why you OL 24/7 ... but sorry I cant..... and maybe most people have life too.... Im sorry to know that you have no life.....

So to sum up... SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HAVE A LIFE PEOPLE CANT OL ALL EVENT TO PLAY GAMES.... that is why sometimes some country wins more and they are stronger in certain event......


Author: MaChau    Time: 2014-9-17 01:31
ohh damn...u are pretty damn good janda...maxxx waiting u in his room babe...pls make him happy all night...
Author: JandaManis    Time: 2014-9-17 01:34
Give to stebel. He got no life.....poor him let maxx entertain him
Author: Volm    Time: 2014-9-17 01:38
Pls do not complained, this is all about money... If you are really in S8 or S10 pls open your eyes BIG enough and see how Sima and Ferocious8 cast shadow during events. I mean Sima and not Simaa.....
Hope to see the one who complained get the first rank in Arena coz you might get sympathy points from GM. Huhu... Go sleep earlier and dream of it... Huhu......

Author: devil_eye    Time: 2014-9-17 01:43
What trick Shu have to get so many kill? Well, my "trick" is to find the new young chickens id, easy kill. Who supply those new id? Of course, Wei did. If u dont want us to get more killing, dont always create new ud for us to get easy kill you stupid.
Author: JTJR.S10    Time: 2014-9-17 01:58
Well, I'm from s10 before the merger and have bought no less than 10k gold in the game (understand there's a lot of other heavy gold users around here, pardon me).

It's all about strategy and brains to play this game Stebel. I spent 2 whole hour killing and got number 3 on this "rigged" event that u say. And have gotten 7 mil kills (i think) alone, with 3 mil food and 300 RO (all about).

We shu performed so well because we are united and communicate freely. Don't start finger pointing and accuse us when you are most probably a free player. Maybe if you just spend more of your time earning money rather than being a free player, you might be able to become another heavy gold user and perform like us.

Hint: FYI I'm under level 90 and am within top 90 for arena ranking, trust me when I say playing this game with gold works!
Author: JandaManis    Time: 2014-9-17 02:06
Sima and fero cast free shadow they get from killing guards in tourney....
Author: laboritum    Time: 2014-9-17 02:21
oh stebel,you have brain or not??????????????????????????????all hail volm and jandamanis
Author: zhoA    Time: 2014-9-17 10:51
Edited by zhoA at 2014-9-18 02:14

U shu idiots do not know what unbalanced means do u? Gm merged a shu server with a vip15 don't want to mention name (sima) and a vip11 machau (even tho he worst than a vip4) with a 2 wei servers with no one above vip8 a 2 wu server with low pop and 1 vip10
Author: DonKan    Time: 2014-9-17 11:18
Poor zhoaa always crying in the end blaming everything, clones, population, vips, people, and blablabla... I really suggest u play barbie world or hello kitty caffe, war games not suit for you. Move on and enjoy new life
Author: zhoA    Time: 2014-9-17 11:19
Yes it's better than crying about not being able to beat gjia lmao because really it just takes a little brain power to do it which I can tell shu players not have..
Author: sima    Time: 2014-9-17 11:56
ZhoA, I'm sorry  to hear that. But you make your game worse by ally with wu. Go sleep and think again.
Author: DonKan    Time: 2014-9-17 12:00
So zhoaa is simaa afterall hahahaha, omg now blaming gjia again, even without gjia, shu can survived, look at wu they talk with actions not crying like u guys everyday,  blaming for everything lol very funny and cute crybaby
Author: zhoA    Time: 2014-9-17 13:06
How can shu not survive when they can summon 300 clones? BTW did I say I was simaa?
Author: anuardb1    Time: 2014-9-17 16:11
Ha ha.. stebel
You like s9. Come and join the party at s7/s9. And you got what you want.
Almost every day after server merge we(shu) got cage with wu and wei. The highlight is 1 wu player again 1 shu country.
A party for shu againts hundreds of shadow..
Author: julGe    Time: 2014-9-18 05:18
zhoA replied at 2014-9-17 13:06
How can shu not survive when they can summon 300 clones? BTW did I say I was simaa?

Zhoa...if u r simaa...at least u hv been shown that ur fighting spirit was better than other wei players.....if u r not.....ao learn from simaa..u fool...........even your country r weak...dont let ur pride be beaten..play hard n show your braveheart
Author: julGe    Time: 2014-9-18 05:22
One more think....maxwell from shu send a warm regard to u Zhoa  

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