Title: BrokenSquz ID stolen by Hans S101 [Print this page] Author: 8888 Time: 2019-6-22 14:06 Title: BrokenSquz ID stolen by Hans S101 gm do something with BrokenSquz ID Shu S101
give it back to him, you can explain how to take his acc back here,
and please banned that thief Hans S101Author: gagan Time: 2019-6-22 14:07
confrim that, i know that problem tooAuthor: Yunxia Time: 2019-6-22 14:14
Confirmed, BrokenSquz s101 stolenAuthor: thedevil Time: 2019-6-22 14:21
GM do something about it pleaseAuthor: gagan Time: 2019-6-22 14:28
GM, tell here how to Squz get his acc back,
Hans steal his acc,
all S101 know about that now
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