Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Forgot Password - what to do? [Solved] [Print this page]

Author: Shoyu1    Time: 2014-10-22 09:49
Title: Forgot Password - what to do? [Solved]
Edited by Shoyu1 at 2014-10-22 13:42


I have forgotten my password and wish to recover it. However, because I signed up to the game through my iPhone 6 Plus, my account did not have an email address for password recovery through the website. It says " You don't have email,password can not be retrieved " and does not give me any other options to recover. Can any GM please help?

My ID: shoyu
Server: S20
IGN: ScarlettJo
Device: iOS
Location: I am from New Zealand
Are you using the latest version? Yes

Thank you,

Author: Athur    Time: 2014-10-22 10:35
Sir/Madame, pls provide us the following information so that we could help you, thx
1. Gold you have in the account
2. heroes
Author: Shoyu    Time: 2014-10-22 13:38
Hello Athur,

Thanks for your reply. I have managed to solve the problem by using my IPHONE to auto-login to the Forum automatically. From there I can enter the Profile settings and enter in an email address.

Once my email address was entered I was able to use the "Forgot Password" feature on the website to reset my password.

Hopefully the information above can help anyone else experiencing a similar issue. Thank you!
Author: HellFire    Time: 2014-10-24 01:42
I have the same problem please help.

I've already sent all information to your "Inbox", Athur!
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2014-11-21 01:17
my friend has same problem.almost 2 day he cant login..i think he has sent u his complaint..
IGN : karikari

pls respond fast..he start to thinking to leave this game...btw he is VIP


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