Heyshell Games Forum

Title: CoTK New Version APK download [Print this page]

Author: LiuPieLG    Time: 2014-10-23 23:55
Title: CoTK New Version APK download
Dear GM,
I have trouble with Google Play restriction in my country and i cannot download the game for my Android. Do you have anywhere else that i can download or link to download apk file for the new version?

Thank in Advance

Author: Athur    Time: 2014-10-28 18:33
Sir/Madame, for ios or android, pls update the newest version, thx
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-10-29 14:40
Athur replied at 2014-10-28 18:33
Sir/Madame, for ios or android, pls update the newest version, thx

so you're an admin..

Author: Athur    Time: 2014-10-29 16:54
FockYerDodder replied at 2014-10-29 14:40
so you're an admin..

Sir/Madame, what is your nationality. thx
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-10-30 06:39
Athur replied at 2014-10-29 16:54
Sir/Madame, what is your nationality. thx

Sir/Madame,probably we have same nationality. thnks

Author: LiuPieLG    Time: 2014-10-30 11:47
I found the APK file for new version. if u cannot download from Google Play, try this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0qdIpZSRAQjVnI3U3VJWDZrdWs
Good luck!

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