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Title: Suggestion for 5 General [Print this page]

Author: shibatatim    Time: 2014-10-31 08:13
Title: Suggestion for 5 General
I've just reached level 85 and am now able to recruit 5 heroes. Before I can recruit another Purple General, I need a good suggestion of whom to use in my new slot. Currently, my team is comprised of; Huang Zhong, Zhu Rong, Taishi Ci and Xiahou Dun. Obviously when I defeat the next Purple hero i'll recruit them, but until then I need an idea. I've seen some people use Pang De or Wei Yan for the time being, but am not a fan of either really.

Author: pika57    Time: 2014-10-31 08:17
you can try Zang Ba. he's pretty good
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-10-31 16:54
Sir/Madame, it depends on what your requirement is, and choose the most powerful one in your tavern and when you get Xuchu, then you could use him instead, thx  
Author: KentMonta    Time: 2014-11-6 01:19
Liao huanis the best
Author: Will-heart    Time: 2014-11-7 13:29
Lucky you. I lvl 85 but not strong enough for xiahou Dun. Only TSCI and Huang Zhong are good out of my 5.

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