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Title: How to get refund when the payment taken but no recharge points [Print this page]

Author: WarzS8    Time: 2014-11-5 08:23
Title: How to get refund when the payment taken but no recharge points
If we recharge thru PayPal, the payment would be taken out from our credit card and no recharge point issue to us, how can we cancel and get the refund?  This is the serious problem because it stop many players from recharge.  We are waiting to get this problem solved before recharge again.
all shu server 8 members need your helps

Author: DonKan    Time: 2014-11-5 08:36
Yes GM, is rc thru paypal is not allow anymore? If not u should not put it in the payment options. Rc thru ingame still ok thought. And please revise your gold prices, I heard that chinese server gold usd 100 can get 6300G. Is this fair to us? Or shall we all move to the friendly and convenient chinese server.
Author: Drei    Time: 2014-11-5 08:37
That serious problem if we recharge via paypal..coz there is not enough prove if we transfer n it will cause corrupt in heyshell..hope can solve that problem immediately.thx

Author: devil_eye    Time: 2014-11-5 09:12
What? If recharge through paypal is not allow anymore? Then why we still see the choice there in game or Heyshell website?
So if somebody has already recharge through paypal and don't get any credit, who is going to responsible for that? GM or paypal?

Author: CharAznable    Time: 2014-11-5 10:36
Gm and heyshell putting trap for those who use paypal to rc?

Author: MaChau    Time: 2014-11-5 14:31
Dont tell me heyshell now rop user now
Author: zhoA    Time: 2014-11-5 14:46
Maybe all of shu s8 used fake gold? I have no problem using paypal.
Author: Stratagem    Time: 2014-11-6 21:56
A lot of issues when recharging via different channels, not just paypal.   Please fix immediately - it cant be legal for you to take the money and not provide the gold.
Author: patyapkc    Time: 2014-11-7 02:19
Legal issue between heyshell and paypal shouldn't be pass over to the player , since heyshell provided the alternative to recharge through PayPal , heyshell should honor it , please release the gold after checking
Author: SunQuanWu    Time: 2014-11-7 09:26
My twin Hondarr from Wei s8 did 2 times rc with cards and received no gold whztsoever... When noticing this je went to GM or GM to him cant remember and there was no action taken to give him money back or equal gold to his acc, he has payment proofs and GM can easily Check on that date if gold was given to him but no, nothing at all is that how problèmes should be solved!????!

Pls GM considère atleast à Check on thé dates mentioned and not just say it doesnt happen...

Greetings keiji s8
Author: DonKan    Time: 2014-11-7 11:58
I lost my 200 points, wtf happen with u heyshell?? I'd been saving it for tourney, last night i checked 0 point. Not u blocked people from rc now u are stealing from us. i should had quit cotk long time ago, each day getting worse
Author: devil_eye    Time: 2014-11-8 08:18
This game has become Cheater Of Three Kingdoms where GM and Heyshell cheat player money

Author: Athur    Time: 2014-11-11 11:20
Sir/Madame, there will be some players who asked someone else to recharge for them, and they did not no the person who recharged for them would make a refund, and in condition, refund means someone recharge firstly for getting the points or gold, but after success, they will refund the money they recharged before, which means they will get the points and gold for free, if that happens, it will surely damage our interests. For this reason, there account will be automatically pull into the blacklist as well
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-11-11 11:22
And, as for the matter you mentioned above, we do hope you could be more specific so that we could understand better and solve the problem you have, thx  
Author: Stratagem    Time: 2014-11-12 22:07
Edited by Stratagem at 2014-11-12 22:11

You're funny GM.   Let me try to get this straight.

1st, you said that players who used fake gold were scammed by the cheater.   Next, you banned some of said players for a few days.   Then, you unban them.

... and here's the funny part

You're now preventing them from recharging, which is your source of income.   Even if you only stop them from recharging through paypal or MOL (not sure if they can recharge via official channel), by taking their money and not giving them the gold they paid for, do you expect said players to keep playing COTK.   There's really no point in unbanning them if you're going to force them to quit.

Moreover, those who will be forced to quit are your VIP players.  Those who are content not to be able to recharge and continue playing, well.. they don't make you any income.

You're decisions don't make any sense.    Your boss won't be happy with you when he finds out COTK is no longer making any money.

Author: AlanL    Time: 2014-11-13 23:16
Edited by AlanL at 2014-11-13 23:18

Did u guys try email to cotk@corp.heyshell.com ???
Show them ya receipt or proof of billing...try & see whether they reply anot...
Author: Immortal    Time: 2014-11-18 09:21
Be honestly...
Did u recharge with your own paypal or buy new id from someone who promise to you for cheap gold???
If using fake gold...u will never get any points before u payback the refunded from the real paypal account holder..trust me..i have same problem too..but now i know why my id cant recharge anymore
Author: TukangEmas    Time: 2014-11-18 09:28
immortal is a gm so just reply immortal. it just same like u ask with GM.
GM Won't show because he can't solve this problem
so he play chicken to talk with user ID.

Guess so ?
Author: Immortal    Time: 2014-11-18 09:30
Im not gm..
I know who u are...
Dump paypal shit...
I know what r u doing...
Spam us with cheap gold???
Author: TukangEmas    Time: 2014-11-18 09:31
see..youre showing your skin...

Hello there arthur..
Author: TukangEmas    Time: 2014-11-18 09:32
let me capture it so i have prove to many users of heyshell.

Let them judge
Author: TukangEmas    Time: 2014-11-18 09:33
by the way what is dump paypal shit? lol.

if u want to talk with me personally you can add my YM.
we can talk
Author: TukangEmas    Time: 2014-11-18 09:35
anyway arthur you are miss typing i think. its heyshell forum not heyshell fourm. check top left.
Author: Immortal    Time: 2014-11-18 09:40
Gak usah pura2 bro...
Sok2an ngasih bukti...
Gue tuh tau orang macam loe..
Dump list paypal aja gak tau...loe tuh cuma reseller doank..
Jual id baru yg dah ada isi pointnya..yg ngerjain kan bukan loe..lo cuma bisa jual..

Author: duncan111111111    Time: 2016-3-5 11:22
Edited by duncan111111111 at 2016-3-5 11:25

I paid for gold last weekend via paypal. For some reason i did not receive it. I contacted staff and proved to them with receipts. Nothing has been done about it. Now i have missed a week of VIP 1, and the special characters i intended to buy. I am very displeased and after i showed them proof all communication stopped nor any explination. This is feed back of course, but has anyone else had this issue?

New Dawn
Via Paypal

Author: youyou    Time: 2016-3-5 15:26
duncan111111111 replied at 2016-3-5 11:22
I paid for gold last weekend via paypal. For some reason i did not receive it. I contacted staff and ...

they take their own sweet time since its just vip1
Author: duncan111111111    Time: 2016-3-6 00:53
It is a business, and this is money. They needed to treat customers like customers...are they too good for my freaking money?
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2016-3-7 14:23
duncan111111111 replied at 2016-3-5 11:22
I paid for gold last weekend via paypal. For some reason i did not receive it. I contacted staff and ...

I have read your message on Facebook PM. Thank you for your patience.

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