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Title: What is improve tactic resistence for? [Print this page]

Author: atrenis    Time: 2014-11-9 21:49
Title: What is improve tactic resistence for?
As per title? what's it for? cost 24 stars yet after so many trial and error cannot figure out...

could someone pm me the answer if they r not comfortable replying here?

thanks in advance

Author: Kreaster_S1    Time: 2014-11-12 01:10
skill defense
Author: 贝海泥    Time: 2014-11-12 02:28
Is it like Block equip as I'm lower skill damage received or does it increase the chance of successfully blocking a skill cast? Thank you.
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2014-11-12 12:44
贝海泥 replied at 2014-11-12 02:28
Is it like Block equip as I'm lower skill damage received or does it increase the chance of successf ...

Decrease skill attack damage cast from your opponent.

Block/Prevent skill attack from your opponent depends on Lead. Higher lead will block more often
Author: 贝海泥    Time: 2014-11-12 19:32
BlueFire replied at 2014-11-12 12:44
Decrease skill attack damage cast from your opponent.

Block/Prevent skill attack from your oppon ...

Thanks for your advice.
Author: Arthur    Time: 2014-11-13 09:00
Did you guys already tried it yet?

Dont talk bullshit if you not tried it yet. Also for the one who not achieved 24 stars yet.
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2014-11-13 12:03
Arthur replied at 2014-11-13 09:00
Did you guys already tried it yet?

Dont talk bullshit if you not tried it yet. Also for the one wh ...

YES, asshole
Author: soccer_maniacr7    Time: 2014-11-13 13:47
Does it really work for resist infantry, calvary, archers and mechanization?
So far i have only seen the effect of storm. Not sure about the rest...
Author: Arthur    Time: 2014-11-15 09:27
BlueFire replied at 2014-11-13 12:03
YES, asshole

Lol...  Then u must tried againnnnnn..  Hole ass
Author: jody    Time: 2014-11-15 13:31
soccer_maniacr7 replied at 2014-11-13 13:47
Does it really work for resist infantry, calvary, archers and mechanization?
So far i have only seen ...

it does.. but of course, it depends on how much % u put on it..
2% only give little different..
try it at trial tower..

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2014-11-15 14:08
Arthur replied at 2014-11-15 09:27
Lol...  Then u must tried againnnnnn..  Hole ass

Learn proper English grammar before you TRY (not tried, moron) to insult someone, dumbfuck
Author: Verum    Time: 2014-11-17 22:56
Try comparing your initial after / before putting hocrux. I put storm (12%) on my Zhou Tai and my initial raised like 100/-
Author: Arthur    Time: 2014-11-20 19:50
BlueFire replied at 2014-11-15 14:08
Learn proper English grammar before you TRY (not tried, moron) to insult someone, dumbfuck

LOL. I think no need perfect English to Insult someone who think right.. and talk bullshit..

You just make person become noobs like you...

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2014-11-23 20:12
Arthur replied at 2014-11-20 19:50
LOL. I think no need perfect English to Insult someone who think right.. and talk bullshit..

You ...

That was amusing, so to speak
Author: zxcvb    Time: 2014-11-25 11:24
Edited by zxcvb at 2014-11-25 11:25

Skill gay

Author: Narutoship    Time: 2014-12-25 22:49
What effect does it do to GOujia does it repelled back the rebound?
Author: o0oo    Time: 2015-6-16 13:46
so what exactly is Improve Tactics? what does it do?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-16 15:23
weird names why not defending resistance or skill resistance

Author: youyou    Time: 2015-6-16 15:24
isnt it suppose to reduce the damage from the 1st clash damage? its called "Tactic" resistance
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-16 15:30
youyou replied at 2015-6-16 15:24
isnt it suppose to reduce the damage from the 1st clash damage? its called "Tactic" resistance

not sure,since i have tons of s.irons and huge number of unused irons so i just polish everything until i get bored
"tactic" names is contradiction with refine "tactic" ?
why no "trick resistance" or "attack resistance"
clearer name makes more people understand (idiotic and moron not included )
Author: o0oo    Time: 2015-6-16 15:50
I tried using it on my general. with or without, skill damage is e same. I would assume it has nothing to do with skill damage. Maybe I am wrong
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-6-16 15:57

You need to engage a lawyer to fight the case for you.

Need to submit the case to Supreme Court COTK.
Author: SMJr    Time: 2015-6-16 22:41
Is good stuff. Make it to 20%

Author: youyou    Time: 2015-6-17 01:02
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-16 15:30
not sure,since i have tons of s.irons and huge number of unused irons so i just polish everythi ...

no , the refine "tactic" is totally diff term from tactic resistance. The refine tactic is more like n 'nickname' , 'tactic resistance' is the real term of defining "tactic". Im sure its reducing the 1st clash damage , nothing to do with skill
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-6-17 17:58

Ask a country mate who have improve tactics resistance of 30% to put on Machao. Then use ur Zhouyu with resist cavalry to test it on arena.

Then remove the same horcrux on Machao & use Zhouyu to test again & see the difference.

Take note that it must be the same terrain like mountain or plain only. Don't test it on water.

Pls screenshot your result and post it here.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-17 21:09
ChrisLim replied at 2015-6-17 17:58

Ask a country mate who have improve tactics resistance of 30% to put on Machao. Then use u ...

my level 40 account have no zhouyu,machao even the horcrux panel still not opened yet
Author: Miller    Time: 2015-6-18 23:15
Why has Gm not been able to answer this question? They should know but I doubt they do.
Author: Sel    Time: 2015-6-19 00:40
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-19 07:47
Miller replied at 2015-6-18 23:15
Why has Gm not been able to answer this question? They should know but I doubt they do.

maybe playing dumb
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-6-19 23:51
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-19 07:47
maybe playing dumb

They don't play dumb they are dumb
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-20 01:34
how to exchange my super iron into silver,i have too many super iron

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