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Title: [Notice] Server 1 and 2 Mergered on Nov.28 GMT-4 [Print this page]

Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-11-26 11:38
Title: [Notice] Server 1 and 2 Mergered on Nov.28 GMT-4
Edited by Heartbreak at 2014-11-28 13:39

Empire CraftServer Merger on Nov.28 2:00-5:00
To maintain a quality in-gameenvironment and increase player interactions, we will carry out a server mergerfor Empire Craft starting at 2:00 on Nov 28th, 2014. The merger will last approximately 3 hours and the servers involved are S1 and S2. These servers will be temporarily shutdown during the merger. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.
S2 will be merged into S1. Players‘ current game progress will notbe affected after the merger. Players can still log into the game like theyused to.
I. Please be aware that the followingwill be completed during the merger.
1. Characters fall into the followingthree categories at the same time will be deleted:
a. Lower than level 30
b. Not been logged in for 30 days
c. No Gold recharge records
2. For duplicated names, here are the solution
a. Duplicated character name will be addedthe old server number as a suffix, for example, Arthur.S2
3. All events will be reset/deletedafter the merger.Remember to claim all unclaimed rewardsbefore the merger.
4. If players play on several servers andtheir different characters happen to be on the same new merged server
a. He will have to choose a characterbefore log ingame.
b. Recharge on Heyshell will need tochoose a default character
5. Cities in the world map and cityguards will choosethe data fromtarget server (the old server).
6. Supplies will choose the data from target server (the old server).
7. Country level and EXP will choose the higher one of theservers.
8.All heroeswill send back to the capital city.
9.All shadowswill be cleared and return free shadow times.
10. Officials in Palace will be cleared.
11.Arena rank datawill be cleared.
12.All the data in Rank (Kills, Duel Rank,Siege) will be kept and combined.
II. Free Merger Gift Pack
S2 launched later than S1, players higherthan Lv 75 from S2will get a gift pack.
Gift pack = Days difference * (10 Diamonds,30K Lord EXP and 100K Food)
And Gift pack for S2 is 480 Diamonds, 1440K LordEXP and 4800K Food. (Max Day difference is set to be 48 days.)
III. Exciting Events
We have variety of fun and exciting eventscoming up after the merger! Be prepared to be thrilled!
IV .Feedback Gathering
If you have any suggestion or expectationsabout the server mergers, please mail us :  ec@corp.heyshell.com
Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!
Your Empire Craft.

Author: KRAHL    Time: 2014-11-26 12:41
Cool, I hope this works out without any issues.  It may be a great time to allow players that have system-generated names to change them.

Also, no one really needs more gold.  Do you suppose you could change the gold reward to iron instead?  That is where a less-developed player could probably use more help.
Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-11-26 14:42
KRAHL replied at 2014-11-26 12:41
Cool, I hope this works out without any issues.  It may be a great time to allow players that have s ...

First of all, thanks for your support.
Secondly, Iron is one of the most important resources in this game. You can use your gold worship what resources you need.
Lastly, remember tell your friends this news in your game.
Author: KRAHL    Time: 2014-11-26 14:57
Oh, I informed them.  Not everyone is happy about it.  Many here in s2 would prefer if we had more time to develop before this happens.  1.4 million experience is nice, but it is a fraction of the amount earned over the time between servers.  I will gladly accept whatever I get and will not be leaving the game.  However, I have concerns that others may leave.  I do believe that the reason for this merger is that the developers are hoping to keep players interested and preserver what is left.  That may be accomplished, but it may also backfire.  I hope you know what you're doing.

I think other information here may have been communicated incorrectly.  Both you and the original post have stated that we are receiving a "gold" compensation reward.  Do you mean Diamonds?  Gold is a useless resource in the game that everyone wishes they could actually use for something useful.  Diamonds typically cost money.  Is that what you mean to say?
Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-11-26 15:16
KRAHL replied at 2014-11-26 14:57
Oh, I informed them.  Not everyone is happy about it.  Many here in s2 would prefer if we had more t ...

Yes, we mean Diamonds. Thanks for your remind
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-11-26 18:47
Blue is going to be to strong
Author: Ryman091999    Time: 2014-11-26 19:50
I'm not sure how this works but will the players I play with now still be with me?
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-11-26 21:27
Fucked up s2 gets all those diamonds. They could have joined same time as some S1 players. But oh well devs are not the brightest crayola any way.
Author: Rose    Time: 2014-11-27 02:49
Exactly what person actually wins the 10 diamonds a day. I sure don't plus all the food ?? S1 gets nothing for this merge ? Will will have double the players to fight in arena and for castles now. It's a bunch of bs to give all the diamonds.

Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-11-27 09:30
Rose replied at 2014-11-27 02:49
Exactly what person actually wins the 10 diamonds a day. I sure don't plus all the food ?? S1 gets n ...

Cause s2 is opened on July 24th. s1 is opened on June. so we decide to compensate s2 players. They are  fall behind relatively.
Author: 2Fly    Time: 2014-11-28 15:07
atleast give s1 some drafts?? and food... atleast... im using about 300 drafts a day here! can you guys increase drafts in market? as we get more powerful we will need a lot of drafts!
Author: HOOTT!!    Time: 2014-11-28 17:35
its 3 hrs more than already...still cant log in..server up yet?
Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-11-28 17:37
HOOTT!! replied at 2014-11-28 17:35
its 3 hrs more than already...still cant log in..server up yet?

Please check out your net connection.
Someone has already join in the country war.
Author: HOOTT!!    Time: 2014-11-28 17:59
is it up??
Author: Heartbreak    Time: 2014-11-28 18:07
HOOTT!! replied at 2014-11-28 17:59
is it up??

Yes ! ! Trust me
Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-11-29 00:54
Edited by Celeste at 2014-11-29 00:57

Are you sure u have a Heartbeat? Usually a heartbeat can be contributed to the life of something. And with life there must be a Brain.  The definition of a Brain is as follows (an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.). It would appear that none of the above applies to you, Heartbeat.

Please explain to all of us, what you have contributed to life......
Because you not shown us that you have the ability to think. Thus why they s game is so fucked up....
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-11-29 03:55
Lot of people protested
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-2 00:16
No there not

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