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Title: Merger. [Print this page]

Author: ycsdy    Time: 2014-11-28 19:09
Title: Merger.
I understand the part ..
where it is plan that  s1 merge with s2
s3 n s4..
but it only create a more imbalance if.. for example..  both servers have a rampant SHU force.

i suggest... that when MERGE... and usually in every 3 kingdom game, everyone picks SHU force.  
pick a server with a weak wei or wu.. to meger with a better equipt wei or wu.

or u allow players... to switch sides when merger....
After playing shu for so long. I really dont mind jumping to wei or wu to help out.

sometimes... even with all the bots people are complaining..... when we see arena score.. out of top 20, 18 are from SHU.

Author: beserker    Time: 2014-12-1 08:11
Well say, totally agree

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