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Title: Bot master Mona [Print this page]

Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-11-30 00:26
Title: Bot master Mona
Yes it's true he is the bot master.  When you look into it and ban them it would be great.  I just ask you to keep Moma account alive so I can destroy it. I mean what player willingly admits to having bots? Then tries to use them and loses 5 slaves on their main. Lol poor Mona. Will never amount to anything. Thanks in advance.  Until then keep your clones and bots some food Mona! Enjoy while you can ;)
Author: Domkarbeitar    Time: 2014-11-30 09:43
you really are retarded
Author: KevinKennedy123    Time: 2014-11-30 10:04
I am a magician!  The magical not of Mona's.
Author: mona    Time: 2014-11-30 18:35
Lol.  Don't be mad just because blue is strong now rebel.  That's why they merged us.  They can investigate all they want.  I have nothing to hide.  Get used to us knocking on your doorstep.
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-11-30 22:41
He had bot named wclone3
Author: Starrynite    Time: 2014-11-30 23:31
Lollllllll omg rebel is so childish
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-12-1 02:54
Lol starry will be one banned lol. How many starry is there? Lmao. Knock all you want bitçh. We knock back!
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-12-1 04:36
And I find it interesting that you can win a defend because of all the accounts but can't no where near keep up in killing comp. lmao. It's so cute to sit here and watch. I mean if you had so many real players and accounts. Why can't you keep up? Because it's to hard to send your bots to 50 different locations. I mean it's easy to send to one lol. But when we surround you you can't even begin to defend. You'd have to switch program every 5 seconds. Lol.
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-1 23:38
So true 3 round of three in the last event batair lost with less then they started with each round  
Author: Domkarbeitar    Time: 2014-12-2 09:02
ppl do work for a living....but i have a complaint to lodge against rebel....had a few red pm about how abusive she is in there chat.  they might want to take a look at that.
Author: mona    Time: 2014-12-2 10:27
Or....I dont have any bots and we are real people who work.  Huh.  Wow that makes sense!  Guess you won't understand.
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-12-6 10:27
Look at it. I'm not abusive I help your country ask around. Lol. I abuse you. Who are you again? Oh nobody got ya ;)
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-12-6 10:45
And btw. This game has what is known as a block button. You know. It's located in with the pm country world chat. Just type my name in there. It will help you not recieve any pm from me. That's what that does. Glad I could clear that up for you
Author: Domkarbeitar    Time: 2014-12-6 22:57
hmmmm so reading is not your fortei huh rebel...no worries i will let you quickly google that word to understand its meaning....i said a few red have pmed me, stating that you were abusive towards them in your chat....i'm not in your chat, but have become chatty with some red players.....Mona has done nothing yet, you try to get him banned? think that proves your mentality.
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-12-6 23:19
Lmao. I'm abusive to red? Na. You got it twisted. Oh perhaps your talking to one of your own spy's. Guess what. The BLOCK button even works there. Google that. I was not trying to get mona banned. I asked to keep that account here. But to whom ever uses the bot programs ban their bits not them. You can say what you will. I'll still burn you in any city on the map of your choice. Btw. I know this is a alt account your talking under. I also believe I know who it is. Only 1 blue was told my gender. ;)
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-6 23:45
Abusive he helped Louis one you morons go back to your rich parents and have them give you money
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-12-6 23:46
And you know what else is great? Me making you mad. Helps devs. You get mad you spend money to beat me.
Author: Domkarbeitar    Time: 2014-12-7 02:07
lol now i'm an alt?...ok and trust me hunny, i'm not mad.....not trying to get him banned huh? by saying he bots and should ban him?  grrr so tough behind your phone rebel, bring it come siege.
Author: Rebel    Time: 2014-12-7 02:43
I'm shaking behind my phone now.
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-7 07:12
Mona said they did
Author: Domkarbeitar    Time: 2014-12-9 05:04
lol nice try alex
Author: Celeste    Time: 2014-12-9 09:38
Lol. My turn. Mona is a Hacker!!!!

How did I do?
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-9 09:39
That's well never mind my joke would have been funny but appropriate for forms
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-9 09:40
Not appropriate
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-9 09:41
You did good
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-9 09:43
Domkarbeitar replied at 2014-12-9 05:04
lol nice try alex

That's not what your mom said last night and no money was involved
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-9 09:46
Just kidding
Author: bankmalki    Time: 2014-12-9 19:29
Hahaha! rebel you are one funny person!
Author: Fox1    Time: 2014-12-9 21:51
Hello my in game name FOX1.. First off Blue strong? lol.. 2nd All Hail ANTAR!!   

3rd.. who ever runs this joint. I still have not received any rewards for recruiting a player and he made it past 85, but no rewards STILL..His in game name is BUCK13 check for your self and please send my rewards.. COME ON there not even good rewards. should be nothing for yall to correct this issue. WHATS FAIR IS FAIR>> cough em up. thanks
Author: mona    Time: 2014-12-12 02:13
This thread is about me go start your own!!
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2014-12-12 19:45
I remember when blue in server one had to openly make an alliance with green beacuse only 2 people had Ronald while more then one person from each OTHER country being green and red had tony

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