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Title: VIP Privilege [Print this page]

Author: Iridescent    Time: 2014-1-22 12:42
Title: VIP Privilege
Edited by Iridescent at 2014-1-22 12:47

As what as stated in the above title, VIP privilege,

As a VIP Member, and the usage of the VIP Privilege, you guys should set a reset.

For example, VIP 3 get 200 recruit order (if I not wrong), we should get 200 recruit order everyday. Not just only when we become charge up to become VIP 3. Than what is the purpose just to charge up to become VIP 3 just for the sake of 200 recruit order? Admin please consider this. Every VIP privilege should reset everyday.

We spend money into this game and only get the enjoyment for awhile?

Author: Iridescent    Time: 2014-1-22 12:50
Here is the VIP Privilege,

So if we become VIP 3, they should reset us 300 recruit order everyday. That should be the purpose of VIP privilege.
Author: EsperWerne    Time: 2014-1-22 13:12
That will be too one sided towards vip and ruin game for free players then. Since your vip already your already getting more recruit orders from the game thru arena then free players that advantage is more then enough. If the game is too one sided to vip members its not fun either

Author: Iridescent    Time: 2014-1-22 14:25
If you saying 1 sided game, recruit order get just once for charging? Even free player played in arena do get recruit order. And just say VIP 2, 100 recruit order, less than $100 charge up u'll be able to become VIP 2. That why I asked if recruit order able to be reset for VIP members. Who wont charge for a game when you are high lvl? Trust me there will be people who charge.
Author: Iridescent    Time: 2014-1-22 14:29
If not than what's the point of being a VIP? VIP for sure always have the upper hand against free player. Because we are spending money for their item etc. That why VIP have the priority. And just only those 1 time privilege, might as well just stayed as free player will do.
Author: Iridescent    Time: 2014-1-22 14:30
It's the same as you are out for a shopping. You are buying electrical stuff, if you're a member of that shop, you will get discount on every purchase. But if you're not a member of that shop, you wont get discount.

Author: deadmanjim    Time: 2014-1-22 14:52
i bet a lot of ppl when reading this post - so do i.
since you sounds rich and willing to spend in this game, how about you go hire the devs and ask them give you PRIVILEGE everyday, else you fire them?
Author: Iridescent    Time: 2014-1-22 17:30
It does not matter whether I'm rich or I'm poor. It's the fact in every game. When a person who spend money in a game, obviously their priority have to be above the free players. Don't tell me that when you spend money in a game and your item and free players item is the same. How do you feel?  
Author: Benromario    Time: 2014-1-29 16:17
I m a non VIP. i do support it for one time. So that those lazy VIP will not be lazy
Author: YuLong    Time: 2014-1-29 22:43

i'm using fortumo but why my point not come out at the game?
but it said had been used, but i'm not become vip, help??

Author: Venus9989    Time: 2014-2-2 23:08
I personally purchased ViP2. I personally think reseting Vip for purchased players will not make the game fun anymore, vip gives you many advantage, but you have to put effort to make the game more fair to everyone, both purchased or non purchased players
Author: W.W.P.P    Time: 2014-2-12 09:51
I had spended my money into this game for more than $ 500, But what did i got ?... Very unfair with the rule of the game... I did supported you game with being VIP 6 to keep this game alive, But in return the game are not love me enough with their rule for not making diffrent from other free player and the VIP one... Remember, who keep your bussiness still alive till today... The free player ?... Or Us...

WWF Note : Only One Species Can Save All Other Species... Us

Note :

Species = VIP Player

Other Species = Free Player

Us = VIP Player

If you want your bussiness keep alive... Be Wise to everyone who keep your bussiness alive... Thats the rule of the real life in this world, Unless you

just created this game just for fun, And you never though to need benefactor trhu VIP player to keep the blood of this game keep moving and


Please consider this... Thanks You...

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