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Title: heroic instances [Print this page]

Author: stonemanlz    Time: 2014-12-14 10:59
Title: heroic instances
Any of your professional vet.out there can give me advice for Gou Jia instance? I'm stuck at the 4th stage. I have Xu D.Chan Dun Zhen Ji D.Wei Z.Tai Gang Ning and TSi. Which hero is the best to use? I appreciated if you help. Thanks

Author: Hawkx    Time: 2014-12-15 17:34
Is there a stratergy guide for gozilla aka gou jai
Author: Verum    Time: 2014-12-16 15:24
Author: Verum    Time: 2014-12-16 15:25
ZJI and DCHAN skill must use wisely, sometimes wait last row to cast skill to enhance other heroes using DCHAN or ZJI skill
Author: stonemanlz    Time: 2014-12-16 16:47
Thank you verum

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