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Title: Not for sale [Print this page]

Author: Fenrir    Time: 2014-12-21 21:35
Title: Not for sale
Edited by Fenrir at 2015-1-4 22:49

Not for sale anymore
Author: Will-heart    Time: 2014-12-21 22:26
Wow, look great. Some question though.

Which country and is it the strongest.?
What rank you are in arena?
Hold any position?
How active are your team-mates and other country?
Author: Fenrir    Time: 2014-12-22 10:57
Edited by Fenrir at 2014-12-22 14:22

It is Wei country and no it is not the strongest, based on server wars Shu is the strongest out of 3. However, I do believe I found this pretty interesting. If you come to s7 you will understand.
It is rank 4-10 in arena, quiet high activity in there because I save voucher, if you use all 300k vouchers for anything beside the hero, I believe it would reach rank 4 stable. I must say that it is hard to compete with the rank 1-2 considering the amount of gold being used is nearly double of what I use.
I was ranked 64 in the personal contest that just ended yesterday.

Currently I did not hold any position but this id is retired emperor of s9 before it was merge with s7.
Team mates pretty active, I believe there are at least 10-15 active that I know of, other country is highly active as well. If you did not notice, this server is considered as one of the active server.

Author: Lancelot    Time: 2014-12-26 14:49
Wow 300k
How much pm me the price

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