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Title: Country WAr BuG [Print this page]

Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-1-1 21:51
Title: Country WAr BuG
heyshell Why till now country War Still bug N not repair Yet?????? Me already  post that last time country war 3 of my hero stuck in city cant do withdraw or lure or assault, just watching War... Now  in meeting s22 WU, my 5 hero ALL stucked cant do anything more than 10 minutes. I do fire hero in worldmap then reuse again Also cant solve problem... PLS repair this bug.. my hero can move again after city owned back by my country.. This bug make me missed alot of voucher also cant defending city.. I waiting this event so much but when this event come bug also come n make me angry only.. how can enjoy Country tourney if all hero STUCK?
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-1-1 21:56
Edited by ChaosAge at 2015-1-1 21:57

My hero Status is battle in city n some already in base city but all Hero status is in War And All cant do asault, withdraw, and strike.. Last time this bug happen i fire hero, then use again, my hero back in base so i can use that. but This time even i do this, hero remain stuck till city peace.. Hope U repair this fast, n not happen again tommorow..
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-1-8 10:45
Sir/Madame, pls provide us related screenshot so that we could better solve it,thx
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-1-8 14:55
I not do screen shoot clearly since in battle my hero listed in city war at battle status, and list in queue but all cant do withdraw or assault or duel how to screen shoot? Since its look normally except my hero cant do anything.. If happen again next time what screen shoot i must make? Give photoshoot about my hero that stuck, or try duelling or something? My friend tell me Bug more often happen if we changging hero in middle of war make more hero will stuck...
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-1-8 14:56
http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1437 first time i report my hero bug but my screenshoot not clear cause i forget to showing hero list status.
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-13 21:57
Edited by ChaosAge at 2015-2-13 22:04

heyshell when u repair country war bug?? Here proof again that my hero got Stuck during Country War.... Look at My ZhangLiao Status, from minuTes 3 till ending Status duel, But life remaining same... That Already happen from long times.. But i reallized in few minutes before because i feel that my zhangliao nvr lose in duel... My Zhang liao stuck n not joining battle when meet S7, when meet S11 my XuChu is stuck.. That make me lost chance get voucher from duel and also cant help defending city... I give my zhangliao horcux defend for def also give best equip to search kill but because of stuck i missed lot of voucher.... ;( when u repair it and If no compensation each this bug occur then we who suffer bug will sad la, chance of burning food, getting exp, voucher, also defending city all gone... ;( Here already 4th time i complain about country war bug that make my hero stuck. Hope Heyshell repair fast and give compensation...
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-13 22:00
My hero amazing.. me s17 Wu, my Zhoutai in Wei capital, and my ZhangLiao is amazing that life nvr reduced in war,,
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-13 22:36
Here my voucher get Without ZLiao, if my Zhangliao not Stucked sure i get alot of voucher, also exp for my ZhangLiao, i use boost exp, 1 minutes can do some duels, my zhangliao stuck for long time.. Bug happen when JingLing taken by Wei S7, my ZhangLiao in status duel, then after jingling taken, i move all my hero to focus to atking Yiling and defending Dayngyang. Wei S7 is very active in dueling so i just focus sending hero to defend everytime. After few minutes left i shock see my Zhangliao still stuck in duel city that me already not defend after taken, i move to dangyang but only my 4 hero defending till bout 1 minutes left Dangyang taken by Wei... This considered as annoying Bug.. in status duel but check in city not in queue list, also nvr die, i try restart game cant fix, then i move to ipad from Ipad also my zhangliao still stuck..
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-26 11:53
ChaosAge replied at 2015-2-13 21:57
heyshell when u repair country war bug?? Here proof again that my hero got Stuck during Country War. ...

Sir, appreciated for the info u provided and it has already been forward to our related staff, we'll fix it asap, pls be a little patient, pls believe us, sincerely hope u could understand

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