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Title: After latest patch [Print this page]

Author: patyapkc    Time: 2015-1-7 00:05
Title: After latest patch
guys u noticed something after the latest patch ?
crusade -stage 8 confirmed to be monsters heroes , only can get fragments at stage 10
                low probability to get fragments before stage 8
liegeman - low probability to get purple even use x10
                   even 4 hour free summon hard to get red heroes
free refine - hard to refine to 4 star equipment using free refine , even advance order
worship - the chances to get x 10 critical is low ,  very low
daily login - higher chances get 5 gold 1 free worship

the gold price is high ,  yet heyshell lower down all the probability
do u really think many are really well off ? what u doing now is chasing away players and not attracting new players
your only gift of 200 gold is enough to buy what ?
guess heyshell is really trying to make fast money only and not in for long term  
no wonder everyone is leaving and your new server doesn't attract anyone anymore
even your fb event just manage to get just pathetic 300 plus like
even a rubbish pictures get more like
hope heyshell can rethink your business strategy

Author: vidzz    Time: 2015-1-7 03:09
lol its rite
Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-1-7 08:26
Well thought out. Heyshell don't give a Fuc.....
Author: MerLynn    Time: 2015-1-7 11:32
I could understood what the matter that you said, but believe on me that GM won't to replay or repond this kind of things. Gm only enterested with your money. GM also havent replay yet a lot of previous problems, example supporting gold low price. Even GM cant do it, we just need a respond, replay, reason, and his reponsibility.

Author: V1cky    Time: 2015-1-7 17:48
New server players will 1 day facing the similar problems as we do on late servers. And not a lot are willing to pay higher for same amount of thing. correction, not just higher, but extremely higher price. You are too greedy Heyshell
Author: V1cky    Time: 2015-1-7 17:52
maybe we can give some comments on apps store or other medias for new players about this bullshit and link for the chinese server. At least they have choice and know what they will face here
Author: patyapkc    Time: 2015-1-8 07:50
V1cky replied at 2015-1-7 17:52
maybe we can give some comments on apps store or other medias for new players about this bullshit an ...

totally agree ,  how I wish when I just started someone could had warn me about this heyshell bullshit and guide me to chinese server ,  totally regretted playing this version

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