Title: Empire craft [Print this page] Author: Rebel Time: 2015-1-7 06:57 Title: Empire craft Need a new moderater because we get no responses. When we do it's weeks later. Events not been working. Author: Athur Time: 2015-1-8 11:15
Sir/Madame, pls be more specific so that we could understand better, thxAuthor: Rebel Time: 2015-1-9 01:25
We post in forums and heartbreak hardly responds. Author: Rose Time: 2015-1-9 21:05
The hammer/ egg event last weekend didn't work and many of us post in forum to have it fixed. We still have not received hammer or a response on the issue . Please have someone respond and give the rewards that are due everyone Author: Rebel Time: 2015-1-14 01:37
When can we expect all the updates ? And why not have events here like in cotk? Author: FockYerDodder Time: 2015-1-14 08:24
oh empire craft game?
i wonder why the closure not yet comeAuthor: Rebel Time: 2015-1-16 10:24
Lol because we still have some legit players unlike all of cotk. However we do have a few hackers and clones they need to ban. I mean who makes 50 clones in COTK? Are you really that bored? We have perhaps 10 clones in empire craft. Nice name btw how old are you 13? Not got any yet im assuming. One day you'll either get some or realize your true inner self. The catcher not the pitcher (;
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