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Title: server 15 Wu duel hack [Print this page]

Author: TowFace    Time: 2015-1-8 08:37
Title: server 15 Wu duel hack
Edited by TowFace at 2015-1-8 08:57

Hello Admin, can you pls check this guy named FreedomHex from Wu suspected hacking. How can he duelled me if i only have 2 generals?it should be 3 atleast to duel lol.Thanks.

Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-1-8 09:06
Bro, such a small matter, you even brought it up with GM? Any users can duel your hero/heroes, as long as your hero troops are yet to appear in the line up. He must have pressing the duel buttons non stop. Got it?

TiSa from S11
Author: vendetta    Time: 2015-1-9 01:54
Bah...I agree with tisa, u dont ever try bro. Keep pressing lure button non stop?
Author: TowFace    Time: 2015-1-11 17:49
Haha never try...i guess thats the way to do it..sorry Wu
Author: spade    Time: 2015-1-13 01:14
What if i send 5 gen n they luring 4 gen in a blink..it suppose left 2 gen atleast as far i know..not one gen....but it happen when u face shu s.14...lol..god hands they got..lol
Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-1-13 10:22
spade replied at 2015-1-13 01:14
What if i send 5 gen n they luring 4 gen in a blink..it suppose left 2 gen atleast as far i know..no ...

I have experienced before that even your enemy has only one general with 2-3 rows, as long as the next available hero(es) or general(s) yet to appear on screen, you should be able to lure that general too. This is due to the server lag or system lag I suppose. Please try to observe it especially during a server war which almost all players will be pressing the "lure" button non stop throughout the event.

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