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Title: ID For Sale [Print this page]

Author: atrenis    Time: 2015-1-17 22:14
Title: ID For Sale
Line up:
GJ (lvl 100)
Zhouyu (94)
MaChao (88)
Xuchu (104)
Dianwei (102)

Vip 8

account level: 109

Armament top: max; btm almost max
Gem: all 11 except 1 10
Voucher still got quite a fair bit balance
Almost 100 mill silver for u to convert to food
Equipment all 4* with another 2 set or so spare

Selling 1.3k
Sg player cna meet up to view acct before deciding.

account on s16 wu...not big not small. a lot of friendly players from sg n indo. if u r from sg still got gathering and pretty ladies like lanni to meet....well meeting lanni is worth the investment in this account i feel lol.

Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-1-18 22:49
Can I meet her if I don't want to buy ur ID
Author: atrenis    Time: 2015-1-19 11:24
This 1 ar..... Check for u....maybe u pick up the bill for our outing?
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-1-19 13:30
atrenis replied at 2015-1-19 11:24
This 1 ar..... Check for u....maybe u pick up the bill for our outing?

This is small problem. Cos I always meet my gaming mate too
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-3 17:12
Sir/Madame, as the official part, we don't support this behavior, and we also don't guarantee this's an safer way for you to sell your id,  thx for your understanding

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