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Title: thread 4 GM [Print this page]

Author: ryo    Time: 2015-1-21 00:09
Title: thread 4 GM
Dear GM..

you need how many wei s12&14 player quit to get your attention (#look at our history active players)..some player already quit and the other stop rc because they sick of playing with shu clones..look at the ss..that happen if high vip got clone id and make it vip too...well theres an oppinion on weis player that u can do nothing to your "golden" country...we need fast respon before wei being dead country..

Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2015-1-21 11:03
yeah gm please do something not only wei player, wu player too want quit fight this shu with clone and auto off
Author: Kucrut    Time: 2015-1-21 11:33
Don't u guys know that the game has changed its name from COTK to COCK (Clash Of Clones Kingdom)?
Author: CaoPi    Time: 2015-1-21 18:11
Cash of Three Kingdoms
Clash of Clone Kingdoms
Clash of Money Spender
Whatever la,gm usually just respond to recharge problem and shu bark,omg gm,your child(Shu) must be so happy,please hear us,other player,I know not all recharge as much as shu player,but we still this game player,please give respect,I'm not begging,just want to tell,if you keep like this,people will play other game
Author: Toxic    Time: 2015-1-21 19:39
yeah gm please check s12 how many high vip player and clones in shu compared to wei and wu?? and see wei and wu s12 already merged them self. please save us shu the lonely but brave country in s12 from these two coward country
Author: ryo    Time: 2015-1-21 21:56
Really no clones on shu s12???..im from s12..should i mention it bro..just like lumina and garuda was the same person..or i say ding family..even galaxy s family..wanna more bro???.. I still remember shu got 400 more troops if im calculated...sorry bro..but that was a fact that u cant change..or should i say auto off king from s12 that handle some puppets too bro???..
Author: CaoPi    Time: 2015-1-21 22:22
Lonely,yup,cause you cut your ball,and world chat about that
How now lonely? Ofc woman run,scared by lady boy that saying themself brave but actually doing many dirty tricks,just dare to flip fact
Author: whoknowu    Time: 2015-1-22 14:36
keep barking dude

U guys just jealous now shu s14 have SunQuan & CaoCao at the same time
#ShowOffModeOn *dancing dancing*

Now Shu have Solid & loyal team, and wei just lil' kids playing on 3 or more clones,and promote their country to shu,and hope shu player will move to wei
keep praying & keep wishing

Author: Money    Time: 2015-1-22 14:43
Author: chelumser    Time: 2015-1-22 15:31
wei & wu is
Author: KeigoMaximus    Time: 2015-1-22 16:56
Oh,now u complaining CAOPI?you not shame posting here,that seem your clones more attractive in that SS,do you want to denied that all 50 player in that photo not your clones?you want to be more fair play,ok,we can ask GM to check this server which server more cloning in SHU or WEI.
And you know what,do you ever cheating when wei n wu both share city when city sieges?or you ever make exchange 50%both wei n wu?keep using cloning/spying id in shu to hit by wei when killing event,its all your cheating mind in this game.if you want fair lets play fair game.
We shus14 never complaining when we bullying by wei in s14,thats make all shu s14 player retiring one by one because of your clones,now it happen to u,not because shu more clones now,but after merge shu is more stronger than before,coz shus12 have a strong player.
But we shu s14 never cry like u before,we keep playing and playing even we always lose,coz we still united.
And better you correct yourself when you judging someone else.
But well is all because you still little kid and got some emotion problem.

NB:No need reply to this tread with your abusive word again,coz i know u will always make an offence with your annoying word and unpolitely word,somemore im not often in forum.


Author: welly    Time: 2015-1-22 18:03
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-1-24 17:55
Sir/Madame, we've already forward to our staff and measures will be taken, sincerely hope you could understand and believe us, thx
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-1-26 14:41
Sir/Madame, we've already forward this to our related staff, pls be patient and it may take some time, but sincerely hope you could understand, thx
Author: damtank    Time: 2015-1-27 06:26
I reedmose vows to retire another clone haha
Author: BullLewis    Time: 2015-1-27 14:48
I think whether if you are using clones or not, you know it inside your heart (Knowing and denying is the worse).
Having clones is one matter using them(to win event) is another matter.
I know there are people having multiple accounts but only 1 main ID. The other accounts are to summon liegemens etc and rarely set foot outside.
Just have fun and hope everybody enjoys the game.
Author: Garuda    Time: 2015-1-27 23:53
Lumina ama Garuda sama.????
Author: wheller    Time: 2015-1-29 13:23
Edited by wheller at 2015-1-29 17:25

Weew, i agree with Urbum posted. Totally agree. The matter about clones used to be Caopi, in s14. Before merged he was the King of Clones in s14. Wei so many. But...but Shu and Wu can handle Wei. Specially when even at 7 pm. Shu was known as auto off players for facing wei's troops. Many of them using auto off. and for Wu, with the less number than wei and shu, always strugle deffending. In the other wei, even we "fight" in game, we known each other in real rife. We talked each other via Bbm Group or wassup or else. But Now, thats gone since merged. I dont know how "life" in s12 used to.  
So, the point, if i no mistaken, situation now caused by SHU s12. Noted that...!! Shu Wei and Wu in s14, than WU and WEI s12 unnumbered now and choose retiring this game (even some of them VIP 7 above) is all because shu s12. shu s12 (NOT SHU s14) always use they clones every single minutes. shu s12 must be the looser because they fear to losse. Only Rongkuang and ry4i7 are the true hero. the other of shu s12  NOTHING!!! just playing clones and clones and clones. Noted!!!!!   
Shu s12 make this situation being personal. always world chat with the rubbish word, using clones, etc etc. i never see ex shu s14 world chat with the dirty words. so face it shu s12. you are the true looser. feel deep sorry to Rongkuang and ry4i7. both of you are good even the best, but you are in wrong country. Keep fighting with the original shu ex s14. They arent affraid to loose. Like what Urbum said in above.   
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-3 11:46
Sir/Madame, as the picture below shows that's not the clones, that's the Shadow, which means players could spend gold to shadow, sincerely hope you could understand, but the info you provided about the clones, we'll check it, and if any info you have, pls provide it to us, thx for ur understanding
Author: ryo    Time: 2015-2-4 21:27
Grats..u can read shadow..p.feng shadow for sure...hmm..maybe i am expecting too much from u guys..well..u can check the nick..scan ip add..if 1 ip add log more than 1 id and it personal regs..well thats mean he plays multiple id..i want to know 1 thing...do we allow to log multiple id??..if yes n not illegal..well i'll stop asking...please make it clear..ty
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-5 11:44
ryo replied at 2015-2-4 21:27
Grats..u can read shadow..p.feng shadow for sure...hmm..maybe i am expecting too much from u guys..w ...

Sir/Madame, if you login at the same server with multiple id, that are clones,thx
Author: BullLewis    Time: 2015-3-3 17:06
I think s12 shu needs to understand something here... if this issues persists and maybe make some player 'retired' from this server, it wouldnt be good for you guys/ ladies right? I'm sure end of the day you want real competition for your strength and honour and not playing by yourself.
I'm not sure if anyone have seen a country defending 2 cities with more than 100+ gens defending each cities and still have gens attacking...
Let's make today a day free of clones and have a real fight. cheers
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-3 18:07
Sir, Players could cost gold to shadow, as the picture shows above, the red are the City Defenders who're NPC, not controlled by any players, sincerely hope u could understand
Author: BullLewis    Time: 2015-3-4 11:17
Athur replied at 2015-3-3 18:07
Sir, Players could cost gold to shadow, as the picture shows above, the red are the City Defenders w ...

Dear Athur, Just join in one event and see for yourself. Thanks
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-4 18:59
BullLewis replied at 2015-3-4 11:17
Dear Athur, Just join in one event and see for yourself. Thanks

Sir, appreciated for the info, we'll check it, thx

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