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Title: MOL Poin Recharge [Print this page]

Author: LyNx    Time: 2015-1-25 00:26
Title: MOL Poin Recharge
Help Me GM or anybody else..
I buy mol poin from alfamart. First i buy 50.000 rupiah twice and recharge from mol poin card menu.. it's showe MOL Points Direct Top Up - Reload
First i can get 8 poin x 2 = 16 poin.. recharge at 9pm. next i buy 100.000 rupiah twice from alfamart too.. recharge same way. but i only get 6 poin x 2 = 12 poin at 10pm. why? help me.. thanks...

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-1-25 06:22
need recharge more,around 10k usd so dev,gm will gladly respond to your problems
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-6 10:56
Sir, due to some personal info may refer to, pls send PM to our FB or email address, thx

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