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Title: Are developers gone? [Print this page]

Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-1-25 15:52
Title: Are developers gone?
Since I have not seen any replies from developers on the forum in a while I assume that you are all gone. Does this mean that this game stops functioning? And will be just left as it is on its on in attempt to receive some more diamonds?
Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-1-25 20:05
No. It means they don't give a Fuc....
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2015-1-26 00:32
Some one should bye it from them.
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-1-28 18:52
So I started a thread in game discussion of COTK hoping to find our developers there
Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-2-2 11:33
The devs Suck......
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-2-3 01:43
Well it seems like you can say anything and they wont respond
But I wonder what is the reason for them to leave it it like that
Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-2-3 20:38
Maybe they can sell me the agame!!!!
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-2-4 06:25
Arthur, developer from COTK, finally replied
He said that I should be asking here
Quite rude and not helpful at all
Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-2-4 11:47
Yea, he's a Bitch too

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