Heyshell Games Forum

Title: we need new servers.. [Print this page]

Author: Fearr    Time: 2015-1-26 23:07
Title: we need new servers..
Am I the only one who thinks it's ridiculous that how long this game has been out there's only 3 servers. They expect new players to join , when in fact they can't do nothing in the world map without getting completely demolished by outrageous heros like ronald Tony and rock. Why would any new player starting with heros at level 30-40 want to play when the only competition they have is a level 100 rock, or a level 85 tony. You expect people to tolerate a ass lashing for so long before they just quit. Long story short heyshell. . You guys need to start giving a fuc..if you guys want to keep the very little people you have playing to stay.. you need to read these posts and get to work. You need to start making new severs more often for the people who need it. Stop caring about yourselves. Or you won't succeed

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