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Title: To S15 Wei [Print this page]

Author: S15Alliance    Time: 2015-2-3 19:58
Title: To S15 Wei
Edited by S15Alliance at 2015-2-3 20:01

To ALL S15 Wei and King ZhugeLaing

Here is how Wu treat their alliance with us. We are being used and stabbed by Wu.

Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2015-2-4 10:19
wow.. To think Wu using such trick to alliance..if they don't ol so they will go to WeiXian! poor Wei being used by wu..to which i know before merger you guys Wei got high Pride but now i think differently.

To Those Wei player that i know:


and those that i dont..

P.S You should know which country iis using clone and who isn't..can be check from bypass ip
Author: arjnanysar    Time: 2015-2-4 11:59
Hello Paner

Since beginning I informed ur King,
for daily basis n event we will help you, we are pity of you guys that always being bully.
that's why we accepted ur king pproposal,  due to S15 Wu have good relationship with GuanYu without much consideration we accept with that conditions.
If wei no ppl, Shu go to wexian 50% and Wu keep pushing without more experience? Use ur LOGIC MIND.

Im not saying Wu 15&18 strong, but we have good communication and team work each others.
If you feel cheated, better 24 hours we stay in wexian, can I? So more wei retired and game become clash of 2 kingdom
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-4 12:00
Edited by Hawkx at 2015-2-4 12:06

You got to be joking you narrow minded petty fool. I tell your dumb arse guys to go wu 50% all day today!even tell our guys to get out of your way , when we say use 50% then fn use it because we want to use yours insted of just taking it !learn english and then read the kings message again it say don't attack wei unless there is next to no one online !!!!  

hawk       And don't start about cheating ask wei and shu who cheated and got caught  and we all no it!!

S18 wei so weak because the choose to let shu have all the 50% they wanted while they supressed wu for months bad leadership lead to your crisis ?shut up and go to our 50%
Author: Jlife    Time: 2015-2-4 16:07
Personally i think that s15 wei is not that weak its just that they are not so active if they truly want to seige a country they still can do it and reach other country 50% be it shu or wu so i think that they should not even have a alliance at all.
what i feel is that wei are mostly being use and are also being underestimated alot
from the king notice we can see that wu still have the intention of going to wei 50% while wei have no such ill intention does this not show the difference already?
I hope that wei will come to their senses and realise the situation
Base on what a wu member has already type we can just see their real attitude already dont u think so to
I shall not say much as i believe that wei members are now wide awake to see the situation

Author: snowiee    Time: 2015-2-4 16:12
Wow tyler/zhugeliang u guys watched this?
Oh gosh what happened to u both after merge?
Dont shrink! Put up a fight make the game more interesting mates!

Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2015-2-4 16:15
my middle finger salute all of you.. Wu !

and for you hawk.. go eat you shit..not your place to speak !! Noob..

Author: Aqua.S15    Time: 2015-2-4 16:17
Hmmm i see wu want to use wei to press shu together then in the end they will attck your 50% city so only wu get more exp,how if wei together with shu attacking wu,it will be easier to get to their 50% cities at all times.think wei do not be used by wu.
Author: pala    Time: 2015-2-4 17:54
Edited by pala at 2015-2-4 17:58

A Message to Wei,

As a member of Shu, your enemy in game, I respect you all. But I see there is not respect here from Wu at all to the Wei and Wu allaince. It is Wei go fight hard at front door, and Wu them coming to BURN Wei back door.

Like Aqua said above, isnt it better we go to DongXing, Jianping than Wu coming to WeiXian?
Author: Blurguy    Time: 2015-2-4 18:44
U better take this off before I post screen shot of my chatting with berryling, yonngvles, guanyu, and zhugeliang
Author: HouseVT89    Time: 2015-2-4 20:10
Can't we all just get along?
Author: Gary88    Time: 2015-2-4 21:58
Well from this episode, guess all know who is the real fuker in S15 Wu. Luckily I am not in Wu coz I will be totally disgraced by the King's actions. However, yet one still choose to support and as the name suggests, real blur guy. Just hoping that this is nt e owner of blurguy account who wrote this but the King who controlled this account wrote this. To think a strong S15 Wei being used by a hypocrite. To e respected guanyu, time for you to discuss with S18 on this so called alliance.
Author: Blurguy    Time: 2015-2-4 23:55
Shu is really petty and narrow minded, we Wu never use other account to post nor we use clone , and btw get stronger before u talk, also trains all ur second account better , it's time wasting playing with u guys, other than Clive u guys are damn weak.
Author: Gary88    Time: 2015-2-5 00:42
Oh really? Then make sure Wu wins every event since u so strong. Btw juz ask arjna to log in more ids will do since he is a fuking nothing to do guy. Well u deem urself strong coz of e amount of money u spent. U r a nobody in this game without teamwork. So what u r e only one strong? What a joke. If u hav nothing better to say, save your comments. Still hav e cheek to ask us to delete this post. U nt onli blur as well as crap. Apart from spending money, what u know abt this game? Spending money to ask others help u get gj is strong. So strong. I am scared very scared. As such, pls dun waste ur time playing anymore. This is what u said earlier so fuk off. Thanks strong man
Author: Blurguy    Time: 2015-2-5 01:04
Edited by Blurguy at 2015-2-5 01:13

Better than u  low life, u know what's the difference, I have money to burn and u don't have, so go find comfort n cry under the pillow.
Ps* brush your English before u type, at least improve yourself n get better income before come n play this game.
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-5 04:38
Edited by Hawkx at 2015-2-5 07:53

More shu ploys to makes us fight so thet stay on top i dont care witch has most power in server ,open your eyes the fight is out side our server now s18/15 must prepair to battle other servers ,we need 50% to do it even shu !you don't get it !the fight is out side now
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-5 07:49
Edited by Hawkx at 2015-2-5 07:52

Wei please visit our 50% feel free .i will try to help as much as I possibly can berryling zhuge liang you guys no me pm me and I will direct our men away from you when you come . As for shu it's not my choice to double team you I don't want to suppress any country .we all have the right to grow and have fun .mind games dont work on the smart .there is no dictators in wu .and royal wrath you also no me you come visit wu 50% prepair for server contests bro we all need to , please shu enought silly mind games we are not weak minded fools to be controlled .we all have the right to speak !we only want to help out not suppress a whole country think about team work for the good of all !the one that try to stop team work is a true enemy any smart person knows this. Divide and conquer is a plan some people have because it works keep them fighting keep them weak think about that wei and wu
Author: Gary88    Time: 2015-2-5 08:49
Blurguy, low life is better than no life. Brush up my English? At least I am a graduate in sg. U? Using short form English with no spelling mistakes compared to ur king dun even know how to spell. U said it is a waste of time playing in S15 then I can tell u now that it is a waste of time talking to a person who do not how to play the game but act as if damn gd.
Author: sur    Time: 2015-2-5 09:19
Pada berantem aja..dah pada ngerjain pr belum
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-5 09:34
Gary88 replied at 2015-2-5 00:42
Oh really? Then make sure Wu wins every event since u so strong. Btw juz ask arjna to log in more id ...

Every body is no one in this game without team work and a team is only as strong as it's leader !!!  We are no threat to shu so why make a fight where you don't need to ? We don't need to fight
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-5 09:37
And the  guy that tell me to eat shit post your s18 account don't hide be a man or a grown woman
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-5 09:37
And the  guy that tell me to eat shit post your s18 account don't hide be a man or a grown woman
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-5 09:38
And the  guy that tell me to eat shit post your s18 account don't hide be a man or a grown woman
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-5 09:38
And the  guy that tell me to eat shit post your s18 account don't hide be a man or a grown woman
Author: XiangThe    Time: 2015-2-5 10:10
Who post this on forum? i dont think this come from Wei, may be shu
Why Shu so care about this alliance? are you afraid with this alliance? i dont think so, you are too strong to be afraid with this.
Anyway, please dont worry about this, our country, Wei, always welcome Shu n Wu to come. Free fud, drink, gay,iron or everything that you need, we served and also free funeral ceremony service for those die in battle around our cities.

For Wu, i only can with your term of agreement..
For Shu, thank you for your concern, specially OrangDenki(only guest, sorry if iam wrong.  bcoz you r too chicken to use ur real id) already stated my ID  here.

Btw, Shu, Please share how to recruit so many jobless people to play for ur country? so can be ol almost 24 hours, no like us, only few ppl ol on working hours.
Please share, so Wei can apply it too and balance this game and make it better place to play.

Thank You.

Enzo - chicken of Wei s18/s15
Author: Blurguy    Time: 2015-2-5 10:27
Gary u are a disgrace to Sg graduate, pleased recharge more. Such a disgraceful words only comes out from fool like you.graduate and no money , u are being humilation to sg n St graduate
Author: kecoa    Time: 2015-2-5 10:55
Udalah wu ma wei ally ja,biar shu isa di lawan,kami tunggu kalian dasar wu maei kalian pecundang ja;
Author: sur    Time: 2015-2-5 11:34
Wkwkw ok kecoa sungguh bijaksana...mana enak kan maen lawannya guards molo...
Kerja lagi bro..kebanyakan main game malah bikin stress..kayak enzo noh..hobinya narik tali kutang
Author: XiangThe    Time: 2015-2-5 12:20

Author: TyLer    Time: 2015-2-5 12:31
Udahh yuk cuci kolorr masing2 ajaa..
Author: XiangThe    Time: 2015-2-5 13:10
ke s29 aj yuk... jual mobil lg utk RC
Author: arjnanysar    Time: 2015-2-5 13:58
@blurguy,  chill brooo. Weaklings only can bark.
no points u chat with them.

Author: CookElla    Time: 2015-2-5 14:20
A bunch of kids. LoL for everyone.. More please
Author: Beren    Time: 2015-2-5 15:54
Chicken of shu lagi pada ngebacot
Main dalam keadaan enak aj bangga hahaha
Author: S15Alliance    Time: 2015-2-5 20:09
Pot calling the kettle black. Lol?
Author: Blurguy    Time: 2015-2-5 23:40
Ohh arjna I totally forgot there is a mother of all beggar that start this up, hey so call allience , where is your gang of poor smelly beggar , ask them come join also.
Author: Gary88    Time: 2015-2-8 17:49
Blurgay? Oh yah nt guy. Recharge is up to individual. We like this game, we know how to play this game and we spend to play. Unlike you who recharge but ask others to play for you. I wonder who is more disgraceful. At least arjna have the ability to get guo jia for you. You? Disgraceful and no brainer player. So what you are strong in game? In real life i think you are as disgraceful.
To arjna..if u have nothing to say please shut the fuk up. Nobody ask for your comments.
Author: Blurguy    Time: 2015-2-8 21:31
Edited by Blurguy at 2015-2-8 21:40

As usual , I have the money u don't have. There is nothing u can do about it.poorfag talking about individual preference ..hahaha... The more u talk the more u disgrace Sg ppl.Lol
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-9 11:45
PanerBruno replied at 2015-2-4 16:15
my middle finger salute all of you.. Wu !

and for you hawk.. go eat you shit..not your place to spe ...

Sir, pls keep the rude word off the forum, thx for ur understanding
Author: sur    Time: 2015-2-9 18:56
XiangThe replied at 2015-2-5 13:10
ke s29 aj yuk... jual mobil lg utk RC

Enzo masih jualan kolor bekas nggak?
Author: arjnanysar    Time: 2015-2-9 21:10
kwkwkwk weaklings, cry beybe cry.
u like dog gary only can complain but no action.
login more id? i afraid later u can't suppress to our 50% and by the way ask ur king too to login more id.

i feel pity of u gary, go go buy some milk with dot and drink
Author: val    Time: 2015-2-11 12:53
Edited by val at 2015-2-11 12:55

A good msg frm wei s3. We were being bully by wu shu after merge as we were hit hard in d bgining after our player left due to certain issues. Nw we are getting stronger due 2 merge wz s5. We don c eye to eye wz wu n shu but we never ally wz any1 as we noe it wont work. jus pen my thoughts. No offence 2 any1. Njoy d game.

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