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Title: Balanced server - s11 [Print this page]

Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-5 12:55
Title: Balanced server - s11
Edited by Milky at 2015-2-5 18:20

Instead of merging servers aimlessly, why don't the game developers of this game set a limit of the number of players in each servers for Shu Wu and Wei respectively??

Take for example: 200 players in shu/wu/wei

Create a new server only when you have reached the quota. Not just create new servers aimlessly....

Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-5 13:04
Also, you could just merge FOR EXAMPLE,Wei and Wei from 2 servers to keep the game balanced. Take note that when you merge the severs for all 3, the strong one is just gonna get stronger which serves no purpose.
Author: Benny    Time: 2015-2-5 13:35
Hi GM,

Totally agreed!
My humble suggestion as follows:
Since s11 has all hardcore VIP players, I suggest s11 merge internally (Wu, Wei, Shu). As spoken, this server is stagnant......... appreciate if you could look into server 11 urgently.

S11 Wu, Benny
Author: CookElla    Time: 2015-2-5 14:22
Agree with both of them. Will be fun if entire s11 Shu,wei and Wu merge and compete against other servers.

S11 Shu -  Smallfry
Author: CookElla    Time: 2015-2-5 14:26
I don't see the purpose of creating more levels, heros or hocrux can help bring back your valuable big spender gamers to recharge more or regain interest of this boring game. however i felt that more will quit if GM doesn't find the fastest and right solution to prevent the worst to happen. Like all servers gamers commented, everyone is quitting. Cheers
Author: bazerkaX    Time: 2015-2-5 14:38
Agreed. ^^^^^

Author: tevin    Time: 2015-2-5 15:00
Only agreed with MILKY n COOK...totally not agreed with benny...hahahaha
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-5 18:20
GM/Arthur or whatever you're called, stop giving the standard reply of "we'll forward this info to our staffs, thx for your understanding".
It's always this reply yet I don't see anything being done to salvage the problem.

The number of active Wei in s11 can be count with 2 hands.
I'm tired of defending
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-5 20:52
Sir, appreciated for the info u provided and we'll forward this to our related staff, pls don't worry
Author: CookElla    Time: 2015-2-6 02:22
Athur replied at 2015-2-5 20:52
Sir, appreciated for the info u provided and we'll forward this to our related staff, pls don't worr ...

Zzzzzzzzzz..... Yawnzzzzz , actually wasn't expecting for any changes .. Milky can continue let us burn all day all night lol... Then no more wei players and soon.. Entire s11 quit..
Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-2-6 08:43
Hi milky, chillll girl. Maybe we all should simply quit this game and enjoy more time with family and friends? Too stressful to keep up with so many changes and especially $$$ to RC. I know some of us actually play this game to kill time or relieve stress, but at least to me, it adds more stress instead. Weird feeling.......cheers all.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-6 12:27
CookElla replied at 2015-2-6 02:22
Zzzzzzzzzz..... Yawnzzzzz , actually wasn't expecting for any changes .. Milky can continue let us ...

Sir, we'll try our best to balance this server and have already forward this to our staff, measures would be taken, thx for ur understanding
Author: zentan    Time: 2015-2-6 17:34
i got one quesiton , if wei and wei merge to 1 server den shu and wu fight who ??? hehehehe
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-6 18:17
zentan replied at 2015-2-6 17:34
i got one quesiton , if wei and wei merge to 1 server den shu and wu fight who ??? hehehehe

Fight u
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-6 18:19
TiSa replied at 2015-2-6 08:43
Hi milky, chillll girl. Maybe we all should simply quit this game and enjoy more time with family an ...

Hi Tisa! Difficult to quit le after spending so much $ haha
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-6 20:02
zentan replied at 2015-2-6 17:34
i got one quesiton , if wei and wei merge to 1 server den shu and wu fight who ??? hehehehe

Sir, pls provide kind of constructive suggestions, we together make this game be better, thx
Author: Shurikendo    Time: 2015-2-6 23:11
Athur replied at 2015-2-6 20:02
Sir, pls provide kind of constructive suggestions, we together make this game be better, thx

merger 3 server and make 1 server be 1 kingdom
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-7 12:05
Shurikendo replied at 2015-2-6 23:11
merger 3 server and make 1 server be 1 kingdom

Sir, appreciated for ur info, and we've already forward this to our staff, Constructive suggestions would be appreciated , thx for ur understanding
Author: CookElla    Time: 2015-2-15 03:12
Still no news .... Quit COTK laaaaaaaa ... GM will not do anything.
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-15 09:46
CookElla replied at 2015-2-15 03:12
Still no news .... Quit COTK laaaaaaaa ... GM will not do anything.

U quit first... Then I quit Haha

Author: Rwin    Time: 2015-2-15 22:01
greetings all S11 players...

just shuffle all players and put them randomly on each country?
that should get things interesting lol

eses gone, back with cao2 and now i havnt seen him for hours

so who's going to quit next?

Author: Magician    Time: 2015-2-15 23:27
Rwin replied at 2015-2-15 22:01
greetings all S11 players...

just shuffle all players and put them randomly on each country?

I think shuffle's not the solution.
Because at the beginning we already choose which country we want.
It can make some people upset.
And also new environment that make us lost friends can make more people quit.
Author: benjol    Time: 2015-2-16 15:31
Gm work so slow.. I hope wu shu n wei stop war each other.. Peace would be nice
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-16 16:10
CookElla replied at 2015-2-6 02:22
Zzzzzzzzzz..... Yawnzzzzz , actually wasn't expecting for any changes .. Milky can continue let us ...

Sir, this has been recorded and we've already forward to our related staff, thx for ur understanding and pls believe us, we'll not let u down, have a nice day!
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-17 00:24
Rwin replied at 2015-2-15 22:01
greetings all S11 players...

just shuffle all players and put them randomly on each country?

Author: eses    Time: 2015-2-17 01:19
Rwin, do u need me to report to u everytime I login?

Athur, seriously pls try harder to convince us... believe u to continue let us down?
Author: Rwin    Time: 2015-2-17 01:50
Eses... why would you want to do that?
you have to admit you are not around as much as before.

and why so touchy...?

Author: Benny    Time: 2015-2-17 08:40
As long put me same country as Milky... The rest up to you guys
Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-2-17 09:20
Milky replied at 2015-2-15 09:46
U quit first... Then I quit Haha

Wow Milky so unfair. CookElla wants to quit and you also want to quit......

I already semi retire and may probably gone away for good commencing mid Mar till at least mid June. Would you quit too milky then?
Author: Magician    Time: 2015-2-17 09:32
Depend on all opinion It will be time rush for s11 players and then the rest of the servers
Which one is faster. Gm solve our problems first or we quit first.

Author: humtaro    Time: 2015-2-17 09:50
GM just leave as it is, you can't satisfy everyone. If everything balanced, then it's no more fun.
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-17 12:07
Benny replied at 2015-2-17 08:40
As long put me same country as Milky... The rest up to you guys

Author: Rwin    Time: 2015-2-17 12:41
humtaro replied at 2015-2-17 09:50
GM just leave as it is, you can't satisfy everyone. If everything balanced, then it's no more fun.

Yes GM, leave as it is, everyone can't satisfy you either.    less people rc
If everything not balanced, you wont have fun either.       less people rc

i miss jackooo's shadows alrdy...
i used to have them like drugs, 3 times daily. now hardly once a day
Author: bazerkaX    Time: 2015-2-17 14:40
wanting to see Sun Quan benny
Author: Benny    Time: 2015-2-17 14:46
bazerkaX replied at 2015-2-17 14:40
wanting to see Sun Quan benny

I am WU living SunQuan......
Author: Rwin    Time: 2015-2-17 23:15
Benny replied at 2015-2-17 14:46
I am WU living SunQuan......

ben, why some people just boasting what other people's have?
Author: LordRasenZ    Time: 2015-2-17 23:38
Rwin replied at 2015-2-17 23:15
ben, why some people just boasting what other people's have?

Benny is an expert for this heheehehe

Author: suTzu    Time: 2015-2-17 23:42
there's COTK game if not defense lets back to your pillow...
Author: wiatnata    Time: 2015-2-17 23:43
Dear sir/madame Arthur, i think the solution is give each wei s11 player 2k gold, so they will came back playing again
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-17 23:47
wiatnata replied at 2015-2-17 23:43
Dear sir/madame Arthur, i think the solution is give each wei s11 player 2k gold, so they will came  ...

I think give it to you better... U like freebies ya
Author: Betok    Time: 2015-2-17 23:49
Benny replied at 2015-2-17 08:40
As long put me same country as Milky... The rest up to you guys

i want too ben.. do you mind?
Author: wiatnata    Time: 2015-2-17 23:50
Milky replied at 2015-2-17 23:47
I think give it to you better... U like freebies ya

Well, thx honey...
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-26 11:38
humtaro replied at 2015-2-17 09:50
GM just leave as it is, you can't satisfy everyone. If everything balanced, then it's no more fun.

Sir, appreciated for the info u provided and if u have good suggestions, pls provide them to us, we'll try our best to help, thx for ur understanding
Author: OngBakTer    Time: 2015-2-26 18:08
I think the best will be merge shu wu and wei together into one country along with 3 other servers like someone has mentioned. Think out of the box, GM. M

VIP 0 Player.
Author: LaSer    Time: 2015-2-26 20:35
Benny replied at 2015-2-17 08:40
As long put me same country as Milky... The rest up to you guys

Super chee hong
Author: Benny    Time: 2015-2-26 22:48
LaSer replied at 2015-2-26 20:35
Super chee hong

Don't stalk me laaaaaaa.... Kns
Author: AdiTLD    Time: 2015-2-27 09:58
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-27 11:10
OngBakTer replied at 2015-2-26 18:08
I think the best will be merge shu wu and wei together into one country along with 3 other servers l ...

Sir, appreciated the ur info, this has been recorded and will be forward to our related staff, thx for ur understanding
Author: DonKan    Time: 2015-2-27 13:08
Milky baby
Author: zentan    Time: 2015-2-27 17:45
come to shu milky , i give u my acct .
Author: Benny    Time: 2015-2-27 18:34
zentan replied at 2015-2-27 17:45
come to shu milky , i give u my acct .

Zen more Chee hong... He wants sell me instead give
Author: OngBakTer    Time: 2015-2-27 18:54
wah seh become chee hong thread liao.

123 321 Milky Milky number 1!

Author: Milky    Time: 2015-2-27 19:30
zentan replied at 2015-2-27 17:45
come to shu milky , i give u my acct .

Ok u say one ah
Author: LaSer    Time: 2015-3-2 01:54
milky come to shu la, I give myself to you and fight Benny whahahhaha
Author: Milky    Time: 2015-3-3 10:41
LaSer replied at 2015-3-2 01:54
milky come to shu la, I give myself to you and fight Benny whahahhaha

Hi Laser! I play liao then what u play??? hahaa
Author: butter    Time: 2015-3-3 18:13
He anything also can play de. .
Author: Rwin    Time: 2015-3-3 18:29
but wu has all the fun....

Author: Benny    Time: 2015-3-3 23:39
Milky replied at 2015-3-3 10:41
Hi Laser! I play liao then what u play??? hahaa

He has access from non vip 0 to vip 12 ... Scare what ...
Author: Erin    Time: 2015-3-4 14:40
Wow forum is more active than the actual game

Author: ccc    Time: 2015-3-4 20:57
Lan jiao game
Author: ewglevn    Time: 2015-3-5 22:42
Milky replied at 2015-3-3 10:41
Hi Laser! I play liao then what u play??? hahaa

Dear i say i give myself to you laaaaa, my soul my love and my body all gib u whahaa
Author: ewglevn    Time: 2015-3-5 22:42
ewglevn replied at 2015-3-5 22:42
Dear i say i give myself to you laaaaa, my soul my love and my body all gib u whahaa

i will give benny something too.. my sai
Author: Benny    Time: 2015-3-6 14:55
ewglevn replied at 2015-3-5 22:42
i will give benny something too.. my sai

HAHAAA DONNNNNN..... go make alliance with wei and stop creating new ID / Clones/ whatever... U make my game very sad..
Author: LaSer    Time: 2015-3-7 22:15
Benny replied at 2015-3-6 14:55
HAHAAA DONNNNNN..... go make alliance with wei and stop creating new ID / Clones/ whatever... U ma ...

I didn't create la, dun anyhow talk, I'm on holiday now never play very long Liao... Knn Your mouth not clean go wash kin..
Author: Rwin    Time: 2015-3-16 16:08
anyone retired yet?

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