Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Arthur have u abandon us?????????? [Print this page]

Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-2-6 21:23
Title: Arthur have u abandon us??????????
Edited by Celeste at 2015-2-6 21:25


Why have you abandon us? Is it because we're not stupid enough to buy 2300 diamonds for $100?

Arthur, one has to think, what he is to gain for spending $100. Is it worth it? Your company has thie game components so expensive, that no one want to spend $$$ on them.

Well let me tell you what u get for each $100 spent. Absolutely Nothing. If you want to make this game thrive, reduce the price of the diamonds so at least we don't thing that u are Robbing us. We all want ur company to be profitable. However: we don't want to get screwed by doing it. So we all ask you to please fix this game and make it more enjoyable to play. As many players are asking why u don't answer us in the forums.

Please at least give us an answer.

Author: Sridhar2    Time: 2015-2-6 22:06
There was no response to any of our posts before. And as Celeste and others said before, the cost of diamonds is very expensive compared to COTK. Also, there hadn't been any events for the past few weeks, or is it months? No Tina events, No lure events, No Wheel Fortune, No Siege events, Nothing at all.

The things we get from Killing chests like Food Jars, Bliss Flagon are useful at first for the beginners of the game, but for players who are already in higher level doesn't need them anyway. instead why don't you give more food from the killing chests? Because a lot of players has troops more than 60k for a single hero which will consume quite a lot of food.
Do something with the Gold which we have plenty. May be you can let us use Gold for Lure/Strike Duel instead of Diamonds.

Please give us a Response. We are posting in forums in hope that you'll answer our questions. Not to be feel abandoned by the game admins.

We are spending our precious money on this Game. We deserve the answers.
Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-2-6 22:22
Nice post....
Author: SieAlex    Time: 2015-2-8 08:11
Let's buy the game from him

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