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Title: trinket work [Print this page]

Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-7 12:18
Title: trinket work
Anyone already trying trinket work stuff? If already make it, if can we share here so another ppl can know exactly how it work n help them making decision to upg and spend gold n voucher for it or not.. ;) Since upg. trinket work and not upg decision without knowing real effect then will spend alot of voucher n burden ppl who try it.. haha.. if more information provide by ppl who already try it then we All can more understand this thing faster and cheaper decision, and just pay "thanks" to everyone who kind in giving us information.. Haha.. Thanks Before...
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-7 12:32
btw before can open trinket works need to upg by buying scroll that cost like slave camp, 200 1500 then mYbe 3000 7000 15000. Since my acc no voucher still lvl 1 so dunno how much real cost.. For make super jade pay 20x100 = 2000 vouch, super slot 10.000, lantern 32.000 Herbit 80.000. Bowlder paid for sjade is 1000, while dismantle is for sachet 10 mirror 30 jade 300..
Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2015-2-7 17:58
chaos so active in forum but i rarely met in you in battle field... btw agree with u even tho i understand a little bit about trinket works!!!!
Author: dzr.    Time: 2015-2-7 18:14
Useless, polish better
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-7 18:35
ChaosAge replied at 2015-2-7 12:32
btw before can open trinket works need to upg by buying scroll that cost like slave camp, 200 1500 t ...

Sir, if anything u're not familiar with, u could contact us directly, or visit our
Forum:http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1
Author: EsperMary    Time: 2015-2-7 20:26
Athur, why do you always call people sir or madame?? Are you a robot??

Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-8 00:09
information that listed there not too complete Mr Arthur. haha.. We need more detail about this stuff like how much add, what different each trinket in status and attribute after upg. Thx
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-9 11:51
ChaosAge replied at 2015-2-8 00:09
information that listed there not too complete Mr Arthur. haha.. We need more detail about this stuf ...

Sir, the higher level of the trinkets u could polish after upgrading the the Trinket Works, and for more info, u could visit the Forum: http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.ph ... &extra=page%3D1, and if there's any questions or something u don't understand, ur questions will be welcomed, thx

Author: sima    Time: 2015-2-9 13:00
Edited by sima at 2015-2-9 13:37

Here are some Q&A that most players are looking:

- what is trinket work?
Trinket work is a new tech where you can make your normal trinket to super trinket. You can get this option when you research from tech at requirement LV.

- what are difference between trinket and super trinket?
  +Your basic trinket or normal trinket, jade, slotted, lanthern, hersbit (not available in game yet), are the gears that give extra lead and force to your hero.
   + Super trinket are the upgraded normal trinket that add extra power to you hero when you equipped, like att, def, troops, skill...

- how to upgrade from trinket to super trinket?
you can upgrade your normal trinket to super trinket by combine your trinket with trinket scrool and bowlder.

- where can i get trinket scroll?
You can get trinket scroll by getting enough trinket fragments which you can get from voucher market and from vendor, trinket fragment from vender you can buy by gold.

- where is vendor shop?
You can find vendor in you capital city in world map.

- what is bowlder and where can I get them?
bowlder is some kind of stones, as now you can only get them from vendor shop or dismentle some item.

- how to combine trinket?
You can combine a trinket when you have 1 trinket , 1 trinket scroll and bowlder. Ex: if you want to combine slotted you need 1 slotted, 1 slotted scroll and some bowlders.

- where can i combine trinket?
go tech ----> trinket work -----> combine

Author: sima    Time: 2015-2-9 13:45
Edited by sima at 2015-2-9 14:06

Trinket work Q&A part 2:

- what more i get from super trinket?
After you combine your trinket, you get super trinket with one skill slot. You can get more skill slotted by spending gold.

- how many skill slotted i can get from super trinket?
You can get 2 skill slots from jade, 3 from slotted and lanthern, 4 from Hersbit ( not yet available in game) as maximum.
You can also unlock special skill when your super trinket all skill are full.

- how to get full skill for my super trinket?
You can get full skill by polishing your super trinket.

- where i can polish my super trinket?  
You can polishing your super trinket from, tech---> trinket work----> warhorse then select your super trinket and you can will polishing icon.

- how polishing trinket work?
Polishing trinket you need to spend gold or bowlder. Polishing not mean you are enhance the skill you have to get more power but when you click polish all your skill will be change. It is about luck again without luck the polishing will eat more gold or more bowlers.

- what skill i get from polish?
You get random like att, def, troops, skill att, skill def....  You cam keep the skill you like. If you dont want to to change the skill you like, you need to lock that skill before polishing. But your polish cost will be double.

Author: sima    Time: 2015-2-9 14:11
Post your Q here, I will help if i can. Not all and detail i know, but maybe other players could share what they know.
Author: foxavie    Time: 2015-2-9 14:26
Wow.... Nice Sima, Thanks for your explanation )

Author: Chrisckc18    Time: 2015-2-9 17:30
sima replied at 2015-2-9 13:45
Trinket work Q&A part 2:

- what more i get from super trinket?

Great Sima!!! thks for sharing the info is much useful.

One thing missing though:  
any idea how to get the Special skill activated?? the guide in heyshell is not helpful it say could be activated when the slot is full. How to get the slot full? cont polish until full??

Sorry for so many questions   

Author: sima    Time: 2015-2-9 18:21
Chrisckc18 replied at 2015-2-9 17:30
Great Sima!!! thks for sharing the info is much useful.

One thing missing though:  

Not like that. Special skill activate only when all slots skill are full. Ex: you have 3 slot for lanthern, att def troop. So you need all those 3 max. But carefull, you gonna burn tons of gold for that.
Author: Chrisckc18    Time: 2015-2-9 22:57
sima replied at 2015-2-9 18:21
Not like that. Special skill activate only when all slots skill are full. Ex: you have 3 slot for  ...

Thks I see... If I understand u correctly it means
1. slot must b full
2. Continue polish until 2 slot max then the special skill will b activated

Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-2-9 23:38
Chrisckc18 replied at 2015-2-9 22:57
Thks I see... If I understand u correctly it means
1. slot must b full
2. Continue polish until  ...

To make this simple, you need to see the word (Full) besides every single additional stat then u get special skill.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-10 10:55
Aptknack replied at 2015-2-9 23:38
To make this simple, you need to see the word (Full) besides every single additional stat then u g ...

Sir, if any questions u have, pls send it to FB, Forum or even our Email address, we'll try our best to help u, thx
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-2-10 12:47
The trinket polish gona be like the equipment refines. Random attributes like jackpot that suck your gold.

The Hersbit trinket probably will be on the next knock egg event = suck gold again.

Btw what is Final Negation Rate or Final Attack Mitigation?
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-10 19:35
ChrisLim replied at 2015-2-10 12:47
The trinket polish gona be like the equipment refines. Random attributes like jackpot that suck your ...

Sir, Hersbit trinket could be got through event, and as for thing when the event will be launched, pls keep an eye on our FB and forum, thx
Author: Stelumvict    Time: 2015-2-10 19:46
ty very much sima for the informations...
Author: Kreaster    Time: 2015-2-11 01:08
ChrisLim replied at 2015-2-10 12:47
The trinket polish gona be like the equipment refines. Random attributes like jackpot that suck your ...

I'm interested also to know about Final Negation Rate and Final Attack Mitigation.

Someone can help?
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-11 01:37
Negation maybe mean chance blocking enemy skill atk. while Mitigation is opposite of absoloute dmg.. When abs dmg is increase dmg that not deductible by def, mitigation is like defend but effect like abs dmg,, for example ur dmg to capital npc lvl 135 without abs dmg sure 1, by using 105 abs dmg can deal 120 dmg.. If guard using mitigation 80 then dmg deal from abs is just 40... if not wrong, hahah.. So after final dmg then add ir reduced by amount of mitigation or abs dmg or final dmg..
Author: Kenshinn    Time: 2015-2-11 02:47
Sima from S8?
Author: sima    Time: 2015-2-11 09:32
Kreaster replied at 2015-2-11 01:08
I'm interested also to know about Final Negation Rate and Final Attack Mitigation.

Someone can he ...

I have no idea also about those skill. GM need to give us more detail about that. But I'm afraid GM also has no idea, lol
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-11 11:10
sima replied at 2015-2-11 09:32
I have no idea also about those skill. GM need to give us more detail about that. But I'm afraid G ...

Sir, Final Attack Mitigation refers to the final damage the hero play plus the corresponding numerical value, which means it'll ignore the hero's defense, for example, assumed that if u harm the enemy at 3000 and the final attack Mitigation is 80, when u add it, it'll will be 3080, or even when u attack the enemy at 1, when u add it, it'll be 81, The Final Negation Rate refers to the immu rate, thx
Author: sima    Time: 2015-2-11 11:54
Thank you, Mr Athur.
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-13 14:50
Sima could give me more explanation different between slotted and lantern? Did attibute in slotted and lantern different? haha.. Or someone can help?
Author: sima    Time: 2015-2-13 15:32
ChaosAge replied at 2015-2-13 14:50
Sima could give me more explanation different between slotted and lantern? Did attibute in slotted a ...

I dont have super slotted. So I'm not sure. But about super Lanthern, it gives the max att 120, max def 100, skill... 3.5%. I tried some polishes but dont have them at max yet. I dont think it is easy to get all 3 at max to unlock special skill. As bowlders very hard to get, so it may take months.
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-13 19:58
Hmm.. for super jade skill def max 100, negation is 2,5%, atk 80 if not wrong... mean Trinket quality affect bonus attribute.. Haha.. Thanks sima.. Yeah bowlder is hard to get.. ;( just do free polish everyday... ;)
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-14 17:12
ChaosAge replied at 2015-2-13 19:58
Hmm.. for super jade skill def max 100, negation is 2,5%, atk 80 if not wrong...  mean Trinket qua ...

Sir, Bowlder can be got through the following two ways:
1. Vender's shop
2. through the related event
Author: Secretly    Time: 2015-2-14 18:47
u sale bowlder on vender shop thats impossible to buy.. we need 2k bowlder for super lantern and u sale 30bowlder 18 gold or any.. u can count 3k bowlder = need 1800 gold.. WTF.... u want to rob us....
Author: Secretly    Time: 2015-2-14 18:49
and refresh time vendor shop is too long... not fair... vip and non vip same.. u must change it Mr. Arthur.. so why we must high vip if dont have benefit from ur new upgrade...
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-15 01:14
Btw What is special Attribute? based in information lvl 4 Trinket work can open special attribute..
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-15 01:16
Vip here already get alot of benefit compared with non vip in most cases If everything differ alot then gaps between low n high vip will very far, nhardwork will useless, just money power play.
Author: nan8ch    Time: 2015-2-15 07:52
I ve already got 1 super jade...polish it to get better skill...but need 20 gold to activate the skill...n still...we still need gold lol
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-2-15 09:02
20 gold for opening skill is oq nan8ch, we can get bonus that better than using that gold in another stuff
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-16 16:13
Secretly replied at 2015-2-14 18:49
and refresh time vendor shop is too long... not fair... vip and non vip same.. u must change it Mr.  ...

Sir, appreciated for the info u provided which has already been recorded, and we'll consider it seriously, thx for ur understanding and ur better advice, have a good day!

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