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Title: Stress at work [Print this page]

Author: BobSTF    Time: 2021-12-24 07:21
Title: Stress at work
Hi all, I've been getting depressed lately, probably due to quarantine or a job change. I quit my previous job, but things are very different at my new job. The management treats me oppressively and does not consider me at all. How do you deal with depression?

Author: EugeneST    Time: 2021-12-24 07:34
Hi, I have a similar situation, although I didn't resign but requested a transfer to another unit. After being transferred to another unit, it was like I was in a different world. Tougher, in a world where the word "democratic approach" don't know each other at all. I got depressed. During the depression, my work productivity dropped and I went to a psychologist, The psychologist held a series of consultations with me. I was starting to feel better. Life was starting to get better, but company management introduced fines for snowballing an employee's efficiency. After that, I fell into a deep depression and almost quit, but I went to a psychologist again and was recommended Full Spectrum CBD Gummies I wondered a little bit, as these were not drugs in the usual sense of the word. After taking it, I have seen my mood improve and I feel better.
Author: NikoFF    Time: 2021-12-24 07:37
Hi, if you work in a big company get used to the fact that the leadership is usually worried about the performance of the company, not the individual. Sorry for the truth, but that's just the way it is. Be willing to adapt or look for another job if you're not willing to step out of your comfort zone.

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