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Title: for SHU s11 [Print this page]

Author: tono    Time: 2015-2-13 16:57
Title: for SHU s11
greetings, im from shu s21, we have faced each other 2 times in tourney (this and the tourney before). i just wanna know Odysseuz and Jackoooooo id, because those two used so many shadows (50+ more, maybe 100) in each battle. No kidding, i have the screenshot.
Im just curious how much money those two had spent in the game lol. Can i see it? your id profile
Thanks ^^
Author: Rwin    Time: 2015-2-13 17:06
only 100? you are lucky...

Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-2-13 17:15
Tono, these two players are the classic COTK lovers and thus they must have invested a lot of $$ on this game. Like Rwin mentioned above, your server is lucky to see only 100 shadows from them..... it could be a lot worse......
Author: Pizza    Time: 2015-2-13 17:23
Game more fun because of them
Author: morebutter    Time: 2015-2-13 17:24
Lol.... . . . . .
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-2-13 17:29
Both are businessman based in sg who can afford to throw money into game to have fun.

PS. S11 Shu have the most players from sg thus is a english/singlish speaking environment.
Author: ewglevn    Time: 2015-2-13 18:15
You can put 300 shadows on zang ba to win S11 Shu, so what lu xun zhang fei ? Got money can liao
Author: Magician    Time: 2015-2-13 18:22
It's only about 100 shadows.....Why you need to ask so detail........
If you know how many shadows they spam at wu and wei 50% areas you won't complain again ......
So hard to defend when they begin to spam shadows....
Author: tono    Time: 2015-2-13 19:06
oh my god.. im lucky im in SHU s21 then lol
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-2-13 19:36
am not sure how game is more fun with them , there were barely a few players at tourney , it was basically their shadows only , so in my opinion it was not fun , barely a pissing contest of who can spam more shadows , and a big sign of something strange , but to each his own , if they like to play in such a boring way they can do what they want , have fun all and my condolences to s11 players for being in such a situation
Author: CookElla    Time: 2015-2-15 03:09
\o/ replied at 2015-2-13 19:36
am not sure how game is more fun with them , there were barely a few players at tourney , it was bas ...

You amused me .. Lolllllll.
"Barely a few players " are already enough to make you cry now, keep crying..
The only reason why a lot of players not online is that your team are not up to the standard for us to concentrate on. Ask the rest who have played with us and you will know. We are a very United and hardworking and many knows how fast we advance now.
Not being arrogant but they are the both players who needs more rewards on the tourney u dumb dumb. They rich can spam money u sore eyes? Jealous ah?
Think before you comment please if not we will laugh again.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-2-15 21:54
CookElla replied at 2015-2-15 03:09
You amused me .. Lolllllll.
"Barely a few players " are already enough to make you cry now, ke ...

made us cry ? you amuse me even more , especially since you only won because of shadows , most of you can't defeat our average players not our elite ones , i wouldn't say you are arrogant cause you are too weak to be , as for your advice you need it more apparently , let me give you something more amusing , s11 vs s21 and the older server won only cause 2 players spammed 500+ shadows , so maybe we are not up to the standard of fighting that yet , but definitely more than capable of defeating you without those shadows ,now that is amusement , feel free to be arrogant or rude , at the end of the day , you know that you are irrelevant , carry on and thank you for your post , you simply emphasized what I said .
Author: tono    Time: 2015-2-15 22:09
errr, okay if u guys proud of shadows.. we have the real players here and had enjoyed a lot.
and u say  "hardworking" ?? err, if u only rely mostly on 2 shadowmaker in server competition which no country event at that time, im so sad about your "hardworking"...  
Author: LinChong    Time: 2015-2-15 22:14
just enjoy the game guys

happy valentine from s21 Joker
#give poisoned chocolate
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-2-15 22:31
Edited by arifin at 2015-2-15 22:36

i think they r hardworking at real world bro.... they r really hardworking to get money n spend that for shadow at cotk n no worries about they real lifes anymore.... or they r hardworking is asking money from mama n papa n spend for shadow, so they can tell anybody about their powerful at this server competition.... so ironic they r weak for the truth

Author: Benny    Time: 2015-2-15 22:53
Come s11 ... If u join wu , u got burn 50% . If you join Wei, u got burn 80 if not 100% by both wu and shu...

Author: ccc    Time: 2015-2-16 01:25
why make a fuss about shadow when every server have their own shadow master. enjoy the game and enjoy your own server
Author: LaSer    Time: 2015-2-16 08:42
\o/ replied at 2015-2-15 21:54
made us cry ? you amuse me even more , especially since you only won because of shadows , most of  ...

I think you get us wrong, we deliberately let the 2 of them fight for the ranking for kills.
it is true that s21 is totally not our match at all so in the first place everyone is just standing behide to help if necessary . I think talk so much no use. if u want try again ask GM to arrange a match again. same result or I am sure worst result for you.
anyway we welcome u all to join Wei in S11, the more the merrier , it becomes boring Liao no talk cok people like u to amuse us. Shu dun need loser like u.

Author: LaSer    Time: 2015-2-16 08:43
arifin replied at 2015-2-15 22:31
i think they r hardworking at real world bro.... they r really hardworking to get money n spend that ...

u took money from your dad n mum to spend on games??? omg.. u need pacifier come find me I got a few for u..
Author: Benny    Time: 2015-2-16 14:34
sebeiiiiii luannnn ahhh lu ............. just burn wei from day to night ..... Journey to SunCe....
Author: benjol    Time: 2015-2-16 15:38
Cookella byk ngemeng ah..
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-2-17 02:40
LaSer replied at 2015-2-16 08:42
I think you get us wrong, we deliberately let the 2 of them fight for the ranking for kills.
it i ...

another rude guy , s11 is really fun apparently , I guess the only answer to both of you big mouths is very simple , tourneys are just around the corner , next time we meet if you use shadows you already proved my point , if you don't use shadows and then lose , maybe you should consider a new mouth wash , thank you for challenging us , easier than I anticipated it would be , see you next round and remember , if you use shadows , all players will know that you can't put your actions where you mouth is , this is a conversation that will have to wait for next tourney to resume , stay safe and level up your clones , you will need them
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-2-17 10:17
\o/ replied at 2015-2-17 02:40
another rude guy , s11 is really fun apparently , I guess the only answer to both of you big mouth ...

You are from which server?

Why so sore about shadow?

Just a game & enjoy
Author: LordRasenZ    Time: 2015-2-17 23:34
Just...lure...lure ..and lure....... and put ur char world..... need more shadows please
Author: Betok    Time: 2015-2-17 23:41
LordRasenZ replied at 2015-2-17 23:34
Just...lure...lure ..and lure....... and put ur char world..... need more shadows please

ohhh lord.. u know i'm tired defending Wuyang and Jiangxia ....
Author: Biji    Time: 2015-2-17 23:47
greetings.. im from s11.. u can call me Biji... lets play with fun
Author: LordRasenZ    Time: 2015-2-17 23:50
tono replied at 2015-2-15 22:09
errr, okay if u guys proud of shadows.. we have the real players here and had enjoyed a lot.
and u s ...

You talk about hardworking and now u complaint about shadows??? Lure buddy...lureeeee.... only luree and luree... thats call is h4rdworking... complaint isn't hardworking...

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