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Title: eyebrow razors [Print this page]

Author: edwardbarnett    Time: 2022-3-7 16:38
Title: eyebrow razors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                eyebrow razors (for beard line, in between eyebrows etc) & eyebrow maintenance                                                                                                                                                                               
hey peeps so i was wondering does anyone use these eyebrow razors (pic below)?

Author: cedsasd    Time: 2022-3-7 16:40
Yeah, finally a museum for the bearded. I won’t be surprised if I see Philips advertising somewhere among the exhibits ...
Author: Fasqwer    Time: 2022-3-7 16:44
I've heard about these brow razors in esthetician schools but haven't tried them yet. Although this thing inspires me much more confidence than a hair clipper. Scissors with a comb - a great thing! Especially for those who have thick natural eyebrows. On light eyebrows, the effect will not be so noticeable, but if you use any tint tool pencil or paint, such a tool is a must. I have light eyebrows, they are almost invisible behind the temples of the glasses. Until the age of 16, I didn’t even touch them, I didn’t like cosmetics. And then I started to tint - OMG, how many procedures now have to be performed!

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