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Title: Rich person only event [Print this page]

Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-18 09:49
Title: Rich person only event
So so so disappointed in this total crap event for just the chinese and the rich .keep your stupid event gm!!! I'm vip8 almost vip9 where is the event for free players ,


Post your disappointment in this event players!!
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-18 17:42
Sir, if u have any good ideas, pls share it with us, so we could make a better improvement next time and believe u'll be satisfied with it, thx for ur understanding and enjoy the game
Author: MerLynn    Time: 2015-2-18 22:52
Athur replied at 2015-2-18 17:42
Sir, if u have any good ideas, pls share it with us, so we could make a better improvement next time ...

Hawk was VIP players.. and he did it? The answer was yes.
do u think MR.Arthur, he care about him self?
My answer, i dont think so.
how about VIP players? "I believe u have the record n i though most of them"
Even dats vip players or super vvip players, they need support for some players with low vip or event play it for free to keep support them to give passion of each battle. It havent to late to do it more right now baby!!!
And do u know, what i am waiting for? Yes, once again, your automatic replay to say please wait. Zzzz
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-20 13:41
I refused to spend gold for this event to show my support to all the free players that help this great game run ,and keep it fun i ask more vip,s to show some support without free players this is a dead game!!!
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-20 13:48
Athur replied at 2015-2-18 17:42
Sir, if u have any good ideas, pls share it with us, so we could make a better improvement next time ...

You want a suggestion ok, give the free players more bonuses and better free events ,don't look at it as losing money look at it as forcing the vip's to recharge more .us vip's will always be stronger then free players it's that simple .we want a challenge not some one that dies at the sight of us ,I for one dont want free players giving up
Author: stelumwinf    Time: 2015-2-20 13:57
Hawkx replied at 2015-2-20 13:48
You want a suggestion ok, give the free players more bonuses and better free events ,don't look at ...

Agree with u hawks
Author: radhin    Time: 2015-2-20 14:07
Yea , please to make it this game better for free player n give more advantadge to them, not only VIP

Author: Captain    Time: 2015-2-20 14:17
Agree with Hawkx , but i dont think athur care about it , what athur care just making money
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-20 15:05
Captain replied at 2015-2-20 14:17
Agree with Hawkx , but i dont think athur care about it , what athur care just making money

Giving free player more makes vip spend more ,it will make money!!!
Author: andanchezter    Time: 2015-2-20 16:32
dear gm, yours gold price too expensive for us in indonesia and the last event (red packet) are totally bad..
Author: Celeste    Time: 2015-2-20 19:38
Arthur don't care. Look what he has done for Empire Craft this year. NOTHING......

He has abandoned us......

Arthur's is no good for this game, only GREED......
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-2-21 05:35
In Arthur's defence he is here to help you if you have a problem and relay problems and ideas to gm it's not him making bad gold prices or these events ,he is a communication officer as such .he doesn't make the final decisions but he can be your voice i for one am happy that he helps

Thank you Arthur and thanks gm for the free player event it helps

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