Title: The Horus Heresy [Print this page] Author: Adam18 Time: 2022-8-26 16:05 Title: The Horus Heresy I want to collect a collection of The Horus Heresy miniatures. Where can I find pieces for this game?
Author: Miret Time: 2022-8-26 16:47
This is a great fantasy board game with colorful characters. I'm building a collection of The Horus Heresy miniatures https://mirminiatures.com/warhammer-gw/the-horus-heresy thanks to WowMiniatures. This is the best shopping for those who love such figures.Author: NoteSek Time: 2023-8-16 18:28
There is another excellent website for purchasing modifications. I have bought from them several times. The customer support is great. I had a couple of questions and clarifications that I didn't understand, and they responded quickly, even though I contacted them on weekends. Here is the link if anyone is interested: https://darklegionmarket.com/
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