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Title: QUESTION MARK IN COTK [Print this page]

Author: Aramaic    Time: 2015-3-9 13:07
I have some question mark from COTK..
1. In recruit tavern, special heroes tavern.. when trying to unlock, the message said "Some item required!".. what item to be exact?
2. In Title wars. well this one is weird i think, can you imagine.. 1 kirk fighting 4 guys in 1 roll at the time, without time to recruit. meanwhile some of the player in that castle was inactive. CMIIW i have 4 general (+/- lv.80) and fighting against 4 users (4 general each (+/- lv.80) which mean 4 against 16 general... wow... i know we can ask some friend to help, but is barely posible to have in the same time and level
3. the food is overwhelming, it was not balanced.. each event, quest and hourly login was producing so much food, meanwhile iron and s.iron was rare, even in daily harvest
4. limited in civilian heroes
5. did someone have an info to upgrade experience from liegemen, or should i'll have to wait till next summon and pray if it will show my card

anyway just express what i have feel about this game..

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-9 18:46
Sir, pls allow me to answer ur questions one by one,
1. the special heroes will be unlocked if u got the special hero's card, for example, when u got X.Qiao card, then u could unlock the special hero X.Qiao,
2. When u fight against in the Palace, if no other players join u, u have to fight against alone and if some else have the same idea to fight in the palace, they'll join you, or u could call ur friends in-game for help if u fight against next time
3-4. this two questions have been recorded and u may need the food as ur lvl. be upgraded
5. when u got the same liegiman, its star will be upgraded which means the liegeman's power would be increased as well
sincerely hope this would help u to better enjoy the game
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-3-9 22:38
Hi Athur,

please disregard his item no.3, we level 90+ we dont have enough food to grind. you should probably consider giving out higher food rewards for hourly login or events.

kindly consider my request. thaks.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-10 10:59
whowhoami replied at 2015-3-9 22:38
Hi Athur,

please disregard his item no.3, we level 90+ we dont have enough food to grind. you shoul ...

Sir, this has been recorded and we'll take that seriously, thx for ur info and understanding
Author: Aramaic    Time: 2015-3-15 02:30
hi athur,

thanx for replying,,
2,4,5 answered thank you...
for no.3 please not to fully disregards, i mean from lv.30-70 we also need other resources, just an idea.. it would be better if the resource price such as daily login can be given acording to our level range
for no.1 i still did not get the point, i still cant add X.Qiao and still has "Some item required!" word. screenshot attached.


Author: Jermey    Time: 2015-3-15 07:45
look at Arena rewards you will see cards there. You need those cards to unlock those heroes. A liegeman is not a card.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-3-15 15:01
Aramaic replied at 2015-3-15 02:30
hi athur,

thanx for replying,,

your pic shows liegemen cards that you can add to your heroes , it doesn't mean you can recruit that hero , special heroes cards are won during special events like eggs and wheel and not summon , the 3 lords are only bought through vouchers , hope that helped
Author: Aramaic    Time: 2015-3-15 17:31
  1. it doesn't mean you can recruit that hero , special heroes cards are won during special events like eggs and wheel and not summon
Copy the Code
that is what i need to know.. thank you.. so in the other hand, it would need some gold to activate it right.. eggs n wheel etc lol.. thanks
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-16 15:11
Aramaic replied at 2015-3-15 02:30
hi athur,

thanx for replying,,

Sir, the special hero needs special card to unlock, such as X.Qiao need X.Qiao card which could be got from the event we launch, pls pay attention to our fb, official website and forum. thx for ur understanding
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