Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Block Filter In chats [Print this page]

Author: XinMei    Time: 2014-2-11 18:31
Title: Block Filter In chats

since i join here, i keep finding people who always talk so racist about us chinese player, i really wish this game has a block filter so i can just blacklist that kinda person, he keep flaming and talking bad about us chinese in game chats, i hope the game admins do something about it or atleast can give us the block filter feature, so we dont have to read such a idiot talks in game!, you can check the chats log in game and look for yourself what [S5]Rebel Fury player named Tomba keep talking so racist against us chinese and malay player!

Author: W.W.P.P    Time: 2014-2-12 12:11
had spended my money into this game for more than $ 500, But what did i got ?... Very unfair with the rule of the game... I did supported you game with being VIP 6 to keep this game alive, But in return the game are not love me enough with their rule for not making diffrent from other free player and the VIP one... Remember, who keep your bussiness still alive till today... The free player ?... Or Us...

WWF Note : Only One Species Can Save All Other Species... Us

Note :

Species = VIP Player

Other Species = Free Player

Us = VIP Player

If you want your bussiness keep alive... Be Wise to everyone who keep your bussiness alive... Thats the rule of the real life in this world, Unless you

just created this game just for fun, And you never though to need benefactor trhu VIP player to keep the blood of this game keep moving and


Please consider this... Thanks You...
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-2-13 15:45
Thanks for your suggestions. We will send the chat filter and more vip privileges to our designers.

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